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Prices up for 2023 Toyota Corolla Altis and Camry; increased by RM 4k to RM 10k

Sanjay · Jan 4, 2023 09:00 AM

Prices up for 2023 Toyota Corolla Altis and Camry; increased by RM 4k to RM 10k 01

What we've warned about last year is happening very quickly in the first week of 2023, with two brands announcing price revisions. First it was BMW and MINI; now it's Toyota's turn to announce the same, affecting the Corolla Altis and Camry.

UPDATE: Prices have also increased for the Toyota Corolla Cross, by around RM 3k.

2023 Toyota price increase
Model Price
Corolla Altis 1.8 E RM 134,888 (up RM 4,000)
Corolla Altis 1.8 G RM 145,888 (up RM 4,000)
Camry 2.5 V RM 219,888 (up RM 10,000)
OTR prices sans insurance and road tax

Both these models are fully-imported (CBU) Thailand, meaning our weak Ringgit and general inflationary pressures are largely responsible for these increases.

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Also read: MAA: Brace yourselves for car prices to go up thanks to weak Ringgit and chips shortage

Prices up for 2023 Toyota Corolla Altis and Camry; increased by RM 4k to RM 10k 01

Though Toyota is the latest to announce a price increase, they certainly won't be the last. All over the word, prices of metals and semiconductor parts continue on the uptick, exacerbated by the increase in shipping costs too.

Also read: Chip supply issues to improve by 2023; shorter wait for your car, but likely higher prices to pay

Prices up for 2023 Toyota Corolla Altis and Camry; increased by RM 4k to RM 10k 02

Meanwhile, specifications for both cars remain the same as before. The Altis is driven by a 1.8-litre 2ZR-FE engine (139 PS/172 Nm), while the Camry has the brilliant 2.5-litre Dynamic Force engine (209 PS / 253 Nm).

Both cars are underpinned by the Toyota New Global Architecture (TNGA) platform.

Also read: For under RM 150k, the Toyota Corolla Altis is superior to all in comfort


Senior Writer

With humble beginnings collecting diecast models and spending hours virtually tuning dream cars on the computer, his love of cars has delightfully transformed into a career. Sanjay enjoys how the same passion for cars transcends boundaries and brings people together.

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