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This Isuzu D-Max "Blue Monster" will take on Borneo Safari!

Jerrica · Oct 17, 2019 06:06 PM

Isuzu D-Max Blue Power 1.9 Turbodiesel to take on Borneo Safari

While Malaysians are still getting acquainted with Isuzu’s new D-Max 1.9, Isuzu has already completed its set-up to send their newest pup on Borneo Safari.

For over a decade, the Isuzu D-Max 2.5-litre and 3.0-litre have proven to be one of the most capable vehicles in the Safari.

The D-Max representative has always successfully ferried its passengers safely and affectively across the most gruelling track known to metal-kind with minimal modifications done to the car.

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Isuzu D-Max Blue Power 1.9-l Borneo Safari

Now Isuzu is hoping to put the same stamp on the “Blue Monster” by sending it on its maiden Borneo Safari trip.

The Blue Monster is fitted with the smallest engine of its class but yet has the same power output as its 2.5-litre predecessor with lower fuel consumption as well.

Isuzu has fitted the Blue Monster with extreme mud terrain tyres, uprated suspension to accommodate the larger wheels, heavy duty body protection, a winch and an air snorkel.

Isuzu D-Max tail gate

Apart from that the D-Max 1.9's engine remains mostly standard.

This year the Borneo Safari will kick off on the 27th of October and will head on a southerly route.

The hike will take participants from Kota Kinabalu to Beaufort, Tenom, Keningau and Tambunan before heading back to the start point.

We can’t wait to witness the Blue Monster’s performance at the Safari.



There isn’t a time in memory that doesn’t involve staring at cars. After discovering the excitement of watching Schumacher vs Hakkinen, Formula 1 became a major part of life. The love for cars and F1 ultimately led to a job with CAR Magazine. The untimely death of the magazine meant a hiatus from cars at lifestyle women’s magazine Marie Claire before another opportunity came knocking again.

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