Dalam satu muatnaik di laman Facebook Art of Speed Malaysia, sebuah Perodua Myvi telah diubahsuai menjadi ‘camper car’ dimana kerusi belakang diturunkan untuk memuatkan beberapa keping papan lapis yang dijadikan asas tilam lengkap dengan lampu liplap, bantal dan langsir Beliau dilihat memandu Perodua Myvi generasi pertama (2005 – 2008) yang memang terkenal dengan ruang dalamannya yang sangat luas bagi kereta hatchback nasional. Tempat duduk belakangnya boleh diturunkan dengan betul-betul rata -
Jul 29, 2020
Kita baru-baru ini dikejutkan dengan berita Perodua memperkenalkan Perodua Myvi S-Edition 2020 di Brunei seiringan model biasa. Jangan terkejut kalau anda dengar Malaysia bukanlah negara pertama untuk menerima model ini. Digelar Myvi S-Edition, ia diinspirasikan oleh Myvi GT yang ditayangkan di 2018 Kuala Lumpur International Motor Show (2018 KLIMS). Walaubagaimanapun, tidak seperti Myvi GT yang dibina berdasarkan Myvi 1.5 AV, kereta Myvi S-Edition pasaran Brunei adalah berdasarkan Myvi 1.3G spe
Jul 6, 2020
In a rather surprising move, Perodua unveiled the 2020 Perodua Myvi S-Edition in Brunei, alongside the regular model. Nope, Malaysia isn't the first to receive this model. Called the Myvi S-Edition, it is heavily inspired by the Myvi GT that was shown at the 2018 Kuala Lumpur International Motor Show (2018 KLIMS). However, unlike the Myvi GT that is based on the Myvi 1.5 AV, the Brunei market Myvi S-Edition is based on the entry-level Myvi 1.3G. Let’s take a closer look and compare both the Myvi
Jul 5, 2020
Perodua在文莱发布其它车型的同时,出人意料地发布了2020款Perodua Myvi S-Edition。 Myvi S-Edition很大程度上是受到了2018 Kuala Lumpur国际车展(2018 KLIMS)上展出的Myvi GT的影响。 不过,与基于Myvi 1.5 AV打造的Myvi GT不同,在文莱发售的Myvi S-Edition将以入门级的Myvi 1.3G为平台。 让我们仔细地来对比一下Myvi S-Edition和两年前展出的概念车有何不同。 外观——对概念车做了简化以便量产 一眼看上去,Myvi S-Edition的车头设计很大程度上受到了Myvi GT的启发,但同时也做了一些细微的调整。 举例来说,与Myvi GT上用红黑色前格栅不同,Myvi S-Edition的上部进气格栅是网格状的。此外。Myvi S-Edition也丢掉了概念车上的红色装饰。 从侧面看,S-Edition换上了新的14英寸铝合金轮圈、车身贴纸和侧裙。很遗憾,没有饱满的17英寸铝合金轮圈、可调式悬吊和Brembo煞车了。Myvi GT上的微妙曲线也没有出现在Myvi S-Edi
Oct 23, 2020
Following the footsteps of the recently-introduced Axia Style, Perodua is said to be working on an SUV-styled Myvi, set for a debut in the coming months. Expected to be called Myvi Style, the forthcoming model could receive the same styling (heh) cues as the Axia Style. As such, the new Myvi Style should be getting SUV-inspired front and rear ends, fender extension pieces, and unique wheels. The interior of the new Myvi Style is also said to get different seat upholstery materials. Under the hoo
Jan 29, 2020
Perodua Myvi Perodua Myvi adalah kereta terlaris di Malaysia. Kepada mereka yang sedang mencari kereta harian yang bagus, Myvi seharusnya menjadi salah satu daripada pilihan utama anda. Harga mampu milik? Perodua Myvi adalah hatchback segmen B dengan harga sekitar RM 42,790 hingga RM 54,090. Didatangkan dengan 2 pilihan enjin, 1.3 liter dan 1.5 liter, kedua dua enjin adalah enjin sedutan tabii 4 silinder petrol. Enjin 1.5 liter juga digunakan dalam Toyota Vios dengan talaan yang sedikit berbeza.
May 12, 2020
Perodua has introduced the third-generation Myvi in Mauritius, the third export market after Indonesia and Singapore for its popular B-segment hatchback. Set to be distributed by local distributor Raouf Dusmohamud & Co Ltd, the Perodua Myvi is priced at 699,000 Mauritian Rupees (~RM 81,300) for the 1.3G AT and 775,000 Mauritian Rupees (~RM 90,140) for the 1.5H AT. Both prices are on-the-road with insurance. Perodua President and Chief Executive Officer Dato’ Zainal Abidin Ahmad said, “The third-
Aug 6, 2019
Perodua Myvi Sebuah Perodua Myvi berwarna putih tular sebelum ini kerana mempunyai nombor plat pendaftaran PNU 8707 yang sama dengan sebuah lagi Perodua Myvi yang lain. Dalam kejadian kira-kira pukul 9.30 pagi itu, anggota trafik dari Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Barat Daya (IPDBD) menerima panggilan daripada seorang individu yang menjumpai sebuah kereta yang menggunakan nombor pendaftaran sama dengan kereta miliknya. Pihak polis kemudian membawa balik kedua-dua Perodua Myvi tersebut untuk siasatan
Jan 12, 2021
Negara telah dikejutkan dengan insiden Perodua Myvi yang merempuh Honda Accord sehingga menyebabkan kematian awal minggu ini. Pemandu Honda Accord tersebut iaitu Laskar Kanan Mohd Rizal Buseri, 31 tahun meninggal dunia akibat kemalangan tersebut. Hari ini, Ketua Polis Johor, Datuk Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay mengesahkan kepada Sinar Harian bahawa pemandu Perodua Myvi yang berusia 23 tahun tersebut akan didakwa hari ini 15 Oktober 2020. Pemandu wanita itu dilihat memandu secara berbahaya dan laju seh
Oct 15, 2020
Apakah maksud nama Myvi? “Myvi” sebenarnya adalah singkatan untuk “My Vehicle”, “My Vision” dan “Malaysian Vision”. Maksud ini dipetik daripada laman sesawang rasmi Daihatsu. Lagi, tahukah anda yang Perodua Myvi merupakan model Perodua pertama yang tidak dinamakan dari bahasa Melayu? Banyak benda kita belajar hari ni, ya? Dilancarkan pada tahun 2005, hatchback segmen B ini semakin lama semakin dikenali seantero Malaysia sehingga mengalahkan kereta-kereta lama keluaran Malaysia yang dahulu sepert
Oct 20, 2020
Polis telah menahan seorang pemandu Perodua Myvi yang telah merempuh sekatan jalan raya di Jalan Klang Lama, semalam. Ketua Polis Daerah Brickfields, Asisten Komisioner Anuar Omar berkata, seorang lelaki berusia 40 tahun memandu sebuah kereta jenis Perodua Myvi telah melanggar papan tanda 'pemeriksaan polis' di SJR berkenaan pada jam 5.50 petang. Lelaki tersebut mengaku bahawa sedang menggunakan telefon bimbit ketika memandu. Hukuman bagi menggunakan telefon bimbit ketika memandu kini lebih bera
Jan 18, 2021
Perodua Myvi baru sahaja menerima kemaskini warna baharu pada tahun 2020 dengan warna Electric Blue dan tawaran A.S.A 2.0. Walaubagaimanapun, Perodua nampaknya bermurah hati untuk menambah pilihan warna pada Perodua Myvi setahun kemudian. Dalam sebuah dokumen yang tiba ke meja pengarang Wapcar.my, Perodua Myvi dilihat bakal menerima warna merah ‘Red Mica’. Warna ini berlainan dengan warna merah yang sedia ada iaitu warna merah ‘Lava Red’. Tona warna Red Mica dipercayai lebih gelap berbanding war
Mar 9, 2021
Sejak pelancarannya 15 tahun lalu, Perodua Myvi telah menduduki carta teratas dalam kategori hatchback kegemaran Malaysia. Proton telah cuba untuk mengeluarkan produk yang mampu bersaing dengan Myvi, sehinggalah mereka hasilkan Proton Iriz. Kedua-kedua kereta ini telah bersaing selama 6 tahun, dan kini dengan naiktaraf terbaru mereka, kereta mana yang patut anda pilih? Artikel ini akan membincangkan perbandingan antara spesifikasi tertinggi kedua hatchback ini. Apabila Iriz mula-mula diperkenalk
Jun 18, 2020
Perodua Myvi Peningkatan penjualan kereta terpakai yang turut melonjak tinggi selain daripada penjualan kereta baharu yang menerima insentif PENJANA dilihat bakal mengekalkan momentum tersebut apabila memasuki suku akhir tahun 2020. Presiden Gabungan Persatuan Syarikat Motor dan Kredit Malaysia (FMCCAM), Datuk Tony Khor mengesahkan bahawa penjualan tahunan berbanding tahun lalu pada bulan Julai meningkat 25% iaitu sebanyak 37,800 unit. Tambahan pula, penjualan berdasarkan statistik yang sama pad
Oct 12, 2020
Following last week’s unveiling of the Perodua Myvi S-Edition, it seems that the model isn’t an authorised, actual spec from Perodua - but rather an independent modification. You can read the statement in full below: Official Statement by Perodua President & Chief Executive Officer on the launch of the Perodua Myvi S-edition in Brunei On 4th July 2020, Perodua Brunei introduced its own version of the Myvi 1.3L G variant, dubbed the S-Edition, which include enhanced body kits which were sourced i
Jul 9, 2020
Since its launch 15 years ago, the Perodua Myvi has been holding the top spot as Malaysian’s favourite hatchback. It took Proton a few tries to come up with a competitive product before they came to the Iriz. It’s been 6 years since the 2 cars have been in close combat, now in their latest updates, which car should you pick? Here's a quick comparison between the top spec of each car! When the Iriz was first introduced, enthusiasts were shocked at the high price tag of RM 62,888 for the top spec
Jan 23, 2020
A video of Bomba putting out fire on a badly burning car caught our attention recently, but it was not because there is a car on fire, instead it was what happened after that. A Perodua Myvi caused another accident on the highway as he slowed down to watch the Bomba put out the fire of the burning car. In the video, the person holding the camera was focussed on the burning car that the fire brigade was already working put out. But “auntie” unwittingly caught the accident between 2 Perodua Myvis
May 27, 2020
Sesiapa yang pernah memiliki Myvi pasti tahu betapa luasnya ruang dalaman Raja Hatchback Malaysia ini. Sumbat-sumbat barang, tau-tau je muat. Jika anda pernah tertanya-tanya atau ragu-ragu lagi, baru-baru ini kami dapat tahu dari laporan Sinar Harian yang sejumlah 380 kilogram ketum diseludup menggunakan Perodua Myvi berhampiran pangkalan haram Aziz di Kampung Pisau Raut, Tumpat pada 30 Januari (Sabtu) lepas. Model Myvi yang digunakan penyeludup tersebut merupakan model Perodua Myvi 2014 Lagi Be
Feb 2, 2021
Perodua Myvi Sebut sahaja Perodua Myvi, semua sedia maklum dengan kereta pilihan no 1 rakyat Malaysia ini. Siapa pun anda, angka penjualan Perodua Myvi tidak menipu. Paling laris di Malaysia! Perodua mampu mendabik dada dengan kehebatan Perodua Myvi yang kini tidak lagi di bawah bayangan Daihatsu. Begitulah caranya untuk menghasilkan sebuah kereta pilihan rakyat Malaysia. Selepas 15 tahun jenama Myvi dalam pasaran, tahun ini dijangka Perodua Myvi akan diberikan facelift. Nak tahu mengapa? Ikuti
Jul 10, 2020
In 2020, Perodua Myvi was updated with a brand-new colour, Electric Blue, and offered A.S.A 2.0. That doesn’t seem to be enough for Perodua as we have received a scoop that it might be introducing a new hue to the King in the coming months. Based on info that was sent to the WapCar team, the Perodua Myvi will receive a new shade of red called Red Mica. The red paint that is currently offered on the Myvi is Lava Red. Whether will the new Mica Red replace Lava Red is not known yet. Perodua offers
Mar 10, 2021
If the Perodua Myvi GT that was showcased at the 2018 Kuala Lumpur International Motor Show isn’t sporty enough for you, perhaps this GR Myvi would suffice? This particular GR Myvi is the creation of The Ajerul, who has rendered a fair number of aggressive-looking Protons and Peroduas in the past. To be clear, this is just an artist's imagination. Perodua has nothing to do with Toyota's GR Sport range, at least not in Malaysia. Unlike the Myvi GT and its large front air intakes, the GR Myvi gets
Apr 22, 2020
The Perodua Myvi is Malaysia’s most popular car but in Indonesia, the Myvi does not enjoy the same popularity. However, the car might have scored a new generation of fans. The King, which is badged as the Daihatsu Sirion in the archipelago, was awarded the best city car award in the Marketeers Youth Choice Brands of the Year 2020. This was a result of a survey conducted by Marketeers with 1,300 Generation Z respondents all over Indonesia within the age of 18 to 25 years old. The majority of the
Dec 14, 2020
“Myvi buat hal lagi...” Perodua Myvi memang betul-betul hero kampung. Sering digelar sebagai ‘supercar’ Malaysia, anda boleh lihat hatchback popular ini dalam posisi dan situasi yang kadang kala menghairankan tapi cukup menarik perhatian. Berbalik kepada tajuk – kenapa Perodua Myvi boleh jadi kereta terbaik untuk melarikan diri? Ya, orang kaya sememangnya tak pernah kurang dari segi pilihan kereta. Mereka boleh saja pandu kereta-kereta berprestasi tinggi seperti Toyota Supra atau BMW M3. Tapi, k
Oct 16, 2020
从外观上看,Toyota Raize/Daihatsu Rocky这一对紧凑型SUV双胞胎,在轮廓上与Perodua Myci显然十分相似。Daihatsu Rocky是由Daihatsu汽车有限公司生产的,这家公司同时也是Toyota的委托制造商,而Toyota也销售如Toyota Raize这种相同的车型。尽管Raize和Rocky看上去比Myvi更高大,但其实这款SUV的尺寸跟这辆小掀背车相差无几。 比起车身长3,895 mm、宽1,735 mm的Perodua Myvi,Toyota Raize的车身仅仅长了100 mm,并且还窄了40mm。也正因如此,Toyota Raize/Daihatsu Rocky被才分为了B级SUV。 就算在高度上,两款车的差距也没有预想中的那么大。虽然Raize/Rocky是一款SUV,但也只比1,515 mm的Myvi高出了105 mm。 而至于轴距,Raize/Rocky的数据为2,520 mm,仅仅比2,500 mm的Perodua Myvi长了20mm。 这两款车最大的差别在于尾厢空间。 Perodua Myvi的尾厢有277升,明显比To
Oct 25, 2020
On Monday, videos of a horrifying crash between a Perodua Myvi and a van started circulating on social media. There were also plenty of videos showing the Myvi driver sprinting away from the scene before he was caught by witnesses and handed to the police. After the initial investigation, the driver has now been released on police bail. Selangor Traffic Investigative Unit Chief Superintendent Azman Shari’at told Harian Metro that the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) have handed over samples of the
Feb 25, 2021
While the internet is still raining praises on the Royal Malaysian Police’s (PDRM) swift arrests of both suspects in the Proton Waja drama that happened last week, others were impressed by the Perodua Myvi’s composure in the video when the Waja was doing its best to ram it aside. But, the question remains, what of the Myvi’s repairs? Can the owner claim insurance? From what we can see in the viral video, the Myvi sustained the most damage when the Waja was desperately trying to squeeze between t
Mar 3, 2021
When the Proton Iriz was launched in 2014, it was set to go head to head against the Perodua Myvi. But things didn’t turn out the way Proton had hoped for as the still Myvi outsold the Iriz. Is the Myvi that much better than the Iriz? Let’s find out. Powertrain - You might be surprised which is quicker The Perodua Myvi gets a 1.5-litre Dual-VVTi engine with 103 PS and 137 Nm of torque. Transmission duty is handled by a good old fashioned, hassle-free 4-speed automatic. Despite its modest figures
May 24, 2020
Model | Gallery The Perodua Myvi is Malaysia’s best-selling car. For anyone looking for a fuss-free daily car, the Myvi is a good choice to begin your car shopping journey. How Much Is It? The Perodua Myvi is a B-segment hatchback and prices range from RM 42,790 to RM 54,090. There are two engines to choose from, a 1.3-litre and a 1.5-litre, both naturally aspirated four-cylinder petrol. The latter is shared with the Toyota Vios, albeit with slightly different tuning. The pick of the range is th
Dec 2, 2019
“Myvi” is the derivation of “My Vehicle," "My Vision" and "Malaysian Vision”. That’s what it says on the official Daihatsu website. The Perodua Myvi was the first Perodua to not receive a name obtained from the Malay language. Launched in 2005, the B-segment hatchback has become a household name, superseding older Malaysian-produced cars like the Proton Wira. Sharing parts with the Daihatsu Boon, Subaru Justy, and Toyota Passo, it is common to see badge conversions of this beloved hatchback. The
Oct 19, 2020
Sebelum anda buat kesimpulan yang artikel ini satu lagi kritik bagi produk domestik kita sendiri, anda silap. Perodua Myvi barangkali kereta yang terbaik untuk pemanduan harian yang ada di pasaran setakat ini. Sebagai kereta harian, Perodua Myvi hampir sempurna. Ia cukup cemerlang sampaikan Honda Jazz pun nampak biasa. Jazz ada Smart Tag bina-dalam atau AEB? Tak kan? Ultra Seats yang ada pada Honda Jazz cukup menarik untuk dimiliki, tapi berapa kali je anda nak kena lipat kerusi belakang? Jadi,
Aug 26, 2020
Honda HR-V
Perodua Alza
Honda City
Honda City Hatchback
Toyota Yaris