Proton Iriz User Reviews

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Proton IrizProton Iriz
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1. Suitable for urban driving 2. Comfortable 3. Perform well on highways 4. Affordable 5. Safety features 6. Stylish

Fun to drive and short

For office workers, the busiest time is the time when he is stuck on the road. In this case, a small car with a powerful engine is necessary to solve traffic problems and find a way home. Fortunately, I am proud to own the Proton Iriz, which is the best car for city streets. In addition to being easy to operate, Iriz also provided me with pretty good comfort in the cabin. The engine can provide enough power to meet my requirements, and it can perform well even on the highway. In addition, at an affordable price, I got six airbags, anti-lock braking system with EBD, traction control, vehicle stability control, and safety features such as parking sensors. I was very impressed with the overall experience of driving the Iriz, and I have convinced two of my friends to choose this stylish, comfortable and compact hatchback.

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