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You can purchase a Subaru Forester without paying for the first 15 months

Jerrica · Oct 19, 2021 11:00 AM

You can purchase a Subaru Forester without paying for the first 15 months 01

TC Subaru Sdn Bhd teamed up with Maybank to introduce a special Drive Now, Pay Later campaign. Customers will not need to pay for their loan instalments for 15 months upon collecting their new Subaru Forester.

The offer is exclusively available for Maybank customers only and runs from 15-October-2021 to 31-December-2021.

You can purchase a Subaru Forester without paying for the first 15 months 02

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Interested buyers can pick from one of six variants listed below.

  • Forester 2.0i-L GT Lite Edition (RM 163,788)
  • Forester 2.0i-S (RM 149,788)
  • Forester 2.0i-S GT Lite Edition
  • Forester 2.0i-S Eyesight (RM 159,788)
  • Forester 2.0i-S Eyesight GT Lite Edition
  • Forester 2.0i-S Eyesight GT Edition

You can purchase a Subaru Forester without paying for the first 15 months 01

All Foresters purchased during the promo will still be entitled to the 5-year comprehensive warranty and complimentary Subaru Eco Sterilising In-Cabin 3D Spray Service worth RM 1,200. The spray is said to remove up to 99 percent of harmful bacteria and viruses.

You can purchase a Subaru Forester without paying for the first 15 months 02

Note that the promotional collaboration is available for selected model year units and while stocks last.

On top of that, customers can also choose to trade in their old vehicles through TC Subaru’s Special Trade-In Assist programme.



There isn’t a time in memory that doesn’t involve staring at cars. After discovering the excitement of watching Schumacher vs Hakkinen, Formula 1 became a major part of life. The love for cars and F1 ultimately led to a job with CAR Magazine. The untimely death of the magazine meant a hiatus from cars at lifestyle women’s magazine Marie Claire before another opportunity came knocking again.

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2023 Subaru Forester 2.0 i-L EyeSight


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