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Take your Ford Ranger where it’s never gone before; off-road, with the Ford Ranger Getaways

Dinesh · Feb 8, 2022 02:08 AM

Take your Ford Ranger where it’s never gone before; off-road, with the Ford Ranger Getaways 01

Flip open a dictionary and under the phrase “lifestyle truck,” you’ll find a picture of the Ford Ranger T6. You really won’t but you should. It defined the lifestyle aspect of pick-up truck ownership. To drive that home, Sime Darby Auto ConneXion (SDAC); the sole distributor of Ford in Malaysia, unveiled an experiential programme called “Ford Ranger Getaways” to allow enthusiasts to experience the versatility of the Ranger through specially designed excursions.

An industry first, the programme is designed to provide a unique experience with your Ranger through a series of handpicked and carefully curated local adventures. The platform was crafted based on customer feedback.

Take your Ford Ranger where it’s never gone before; off-road, with the Ford Ranger Getaways 02

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All Ranger customers are welcomed with open arms into the programme that kicked off on 5-February 2022.

There are a total of 15 experiences to choose from and these activities will be refreshed from time to time to ensure things remain exciting. The getaways on offer include half-day, full-day or overnight trips with prices starting from as low as RM 98 per person and rocks up to RM 2,133.

Also Read: 2021 Ford Ranger is now more expensive in Malaysia, price up across the range

It covers a multitude of interests that cater to Malaysians from all walks of life who desire short local adventures; be it on their own or with friends and family.

Take your Ford Ranger where it’s never gone before; off-road, with the Ford Ranger Getaways 01

Once proud owners of Rangers book their getaway, all they need to do is drive their Ford Ranger to the destination of choice and buckle up for a memorable experience.

Also Read: New Ford Ranger WildTrak Sport launched in Malaysia, final hurrah model priced from RM 158k

It goes without saying that each getaway has been thoughtfully curated to showcase the multiformity of the Ford Ranger; from fun city outings and outdoor or off-road excursions to foodie trails and even flying a plane through Kuala Lumpur City Centre.

There is also a one-of-a-kind on and off-road experience within the vicinity of Sepang. This special experience will be held on 26-February 2022 for performance-certified Ranger Raptor owners and on 27-February 2022 for all other Ranger variant owners.

Take your Ford Ranger where it’s never gone before; off-road, with the Ford Ranger Getaways 02

Part of the programme aims to help boost domestic tourism that has been hard-hit by the pandemic. With that, the local businesses that have been selected for the experiences will definitely align with the Ranger Life values as well.

Also Read: New marketing strategy for Ford Ranger, encourages owners to ‘Live the Ranger Life’

In conjunction with the launch of the programme, customers can enjoy 50 percent savings for the on and off-road experience at Sepang so be quick to sign up for it as only 36 slots are available each day. Each participant can also bring along a companion for free.

Take your Ford Ranger where it’s never gone before; off-road, with the Ford Ranger Getaways 03

Customers can book a Ford Ranger Getaway online at Through the platform, customers can select their desired adventure and travel date as well as complete the payment transaction.

Also Read: Next-gen, all-new Ford Ranger to debut in 2022, plant construction underway

In conjunction with Chinese New Year, SDAC-Ford will be showcasing six featured Ford Ranger Getaways that’ll air every Friday from 11-February 2022 on all Ford Malaysia social media channels.



“Better late than never.” Some despise it, others begrudgingly agree with it but he swears by it… much to the chagrin of everyone around him. That unfortunately stems from all of his project cars not running most of the time, which in turn is testament to his questionable decision-making skills in life. A culmination of many wrongs fortunately making a right; much like his project cars on the rare occasions they run, he’s still trying to figure out if another project car is the way to go.

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