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Geely is all charged up with its Radar EV pick-up truck

Eric · Jul 4, 2022 01:35 PM

Geely is all charged up with its Radar EV pick-up truck 01

Geely has dropped teaser images of its upcoming Radar pick-up truck. The Geely Radar will be an electric vehicle (EV) pick-up truck, developed on the SEA platform.

Geely is all charged up with its Radar EV pick-up truck 02

This new pick-up truck will be the first pick-up truck to be developed on Geely’s modular Sustainable Experience Architecture (SEA) platform; earlier models developed on the SEA platform include the Zeekr 001 and Smart #1.

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Also Read: Geely’s latest EV pick-up truck could be called Radar, launching in China this Friday

Geely is all charged up with its Radar EV pick-up truck 01

And with the SEA platform in place, it could also mean that the Radar pick-up truck features a unibody construction, different from regular pick-up trucks like the Ford Ranger and Toyota Hilux, which utilizes a ladder frame construction.

Also Read: Proton X90-based EV pick-up truck to launch in China soon

Geely is all charged up with its Radar EV pick-up truck 02

Unibody pick-up trucks are far and between in these parts of the planet, but over in North America, notable examples include the Honda Ridgeline, Hyundai Santa Cruz, and Ford Maverick.

Geely is all charged up with its Radar EV pick-up truck 03

Geely seems to be positioning the Radar pick-up truck as a lifestyle truck instead of a workhorse truck, as evident from the cyclists in these teaser photos.

Geely is all charged up with its Radar EV pick-up truck 04

While Geely has yet to reveal the Radar’s interior, earlier spyshots depict an interior that closely resembles the Geely Haoyue – a 7-seater SUV rumoured to be called the Proton X90 when it arrives here in 2023.



Started from the IT industry but somehow managed to find his way into the automotive industry. If he’s not gaming, he’s constantly tinkering with his daily/weekend car.

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