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Spied: BYD Seal spotted in Thailand, RHD regional debut soon?

Eric · Mar 9, 2023 10:04 AM

Spied: BYD Seal spotted in Thailand, RHD regional debut soon? 01

It’s no secret that BYD has big plans for electric vehicles (EVs) in this region. The BYD Atto 3 is off to a very strong start, outselling rivals like the Ora Good Cat in countries like Thailand.

Spied: BYD Seal spotted in Thailand, RHD regional debut soon? 02

On the topic of Thailand, it looks like BYD’s next model launch in the Kingdom could be the BYD Seal, as evident from these spyshots.

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Spied: BYD Seal spotted in Thailand, RHD regional debut soon? 01

Two separate social media pages shared images of the BYD Seal somewhere in Thailand. Look closely and it appears that the Seal could be right-hand drive (RHD) units, as suggested by the front wiper arrangement. LHD versions of the BYD Seal have already been shown in this region.

Also Read: Malaysia-bound BYD Seal previewed at 2023 Singapore Motor Show

EV Thailand News mentioned that BYD Thailand could showcase the electric sedan at the upcoming Bangkok International Motor Show, happening from 22-March to 2-April.

Spied: BYD Seal spotted in Thailand, RHD regional debut soon? 02

As a brief recap, the BYD Seal is a four-door EV sedan with a fastback-like design. BYD offers the Seal with several powertrain variances, including two rear-wheel drive variants with 204 PS and 310 Nm, as well as a 313 PS and 360 Nm variant.

Spied: BYD Seal spotted in Thailand, RHD regional debut soon? 03

In addition to the rear-wheel drive BYD Seal, the Shenzhen-based manufacturer also offers an all-wheel drive (AWD) version of the Seal, which adds a front-mounted electric motor that does 217 PS and 310 Nm. Combined system output for the AWD version is 530 PS and 670 Nm.

Spied: BYD Seal spotted in Thailand, RHD regional debut soon? 04

Battery capacity ranges between 61.4 kWh for the 204 PS, RWD variant, while the more powerful RWD and AWD variants get a larger 82.5 kWh battery pack. All battery packs are of the LFP Blade variety.

Also Read: BYD Atto 3's LFP Blade battery - This is what makes it superior to its rivals

In terms of driving range, the Seal variants with the 61.4 kWh battery pack offer a 550 km range, while the AWD version offers a 650 km range. The RWD, 313 PS version offers the longest range, at 700 km.

Spied: BYD Seal spotted in Thailand, RHD regional debut soon? 05

BYD says that DC fast charging takes 30 minutes to charge from 30 percent state-of-charge (SoC) to 80 percent.

Closer to home, BYD SD Motors Malaysia has previewed the BYD Seal during the launch of the BYD Atto 3. According to the company, they are targeting a Q3 2023 launch for the EV sedan here.

Also Read: Coming to Malaysia - BYD Seal, up to 700 km range, 530 PS



Started from the IT industry but somehow managed to find his way into the automotive industry. If he’s not gaming, he’s constantly tinkering with his daily/weekend car.

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