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Smart Malaysia announces 5 more dealers, Smart #1 EV to arrive before the end of 2023

CY Foong · May 30, 2023 01:25 PM

Smart Malaysia announces 5 more dealers, Smart #1 EV to arrive before the end of 2023 01

Smart’s official importer and distributor in Malaysia and Thailand, Proton New Energy Technology Sdn Bhd (PRO-NET) accelerates its dealership expansion by announcing 5 more new dealers in Malaysia.

Smart Malaysia announces 5 more dealers, Smart #1 EV to arrive before the end of 2023 02

The 5 newly appointed Smart Malaysia dealers are:

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  • Smart Mobility Sdn Bhd
  • GB Auto Sdn Bhd
  • Eleganz Lifestyle Sdn Bhd
  • Lee Motors (Alor Star) Sdn Bhd
  • Sigma Energy EV Sdn Bhd

Smart Malaysia announces 5 more dealers, Smart #1 EV to arrive before the end of 2023 01

The 5 newly appointed dealers will be catered for customers in Bangsar, Ipoh, Penang, Kedah, and Melaka. Including Hap Seng Smart and Edaran Otomobil Nasional (EON), that brings the total of Smart dealerships in Peninsular Malaysia so far to 7 but PRO-NET is also looking for partners to expand across the ocean to East Malaysia.

Also read: EON appointed as Smart Malaysia dealer, 5 more dealers to be announced soon

Smart Malaysia announces 5 more dealers, Smart #1 EV to arrive before the end of 2023 02

Overseas Smart showroom shown

The dealer appointments come as part of Smart Malaysia’s strategy to introduce its new-premium, intelligent, and all-electric auto brand to the local market, which includes the establishment of all-new Smart brand centres. The “Smart Space” as it is known will act as a one-stop centre for EV adoption and convenience.

Smart Malaysia announces 5 more dealers, Smart #1 EV to arrive before the end of 2023 03

Smart's Guangzhou showroom shown

Additionally, to empower customers in the digital era, an innovative Smart app will open the doors to an immersive digital journey replete with convenient access to product information, ordering and payment options, and an integrated EV charging map with easy-to-navigate DC charging facilities, thus ensuring Smart vehicle owners remain powered on their daily motoring ventures.

Also read: Smart #1 on track for Malaysian introduction in Q3 2023; bringing dedicated sales and service network, more EV chargers

Smart Malaysia announces 5 more dealers, Smart #1 EV to arrive before the end of 2023 04

CEO of PRO-NET, Zhang Qiang said in a statement, “We believe EV is not only about positioning premium products but most importantly it is how we can strive to be an inspiring creator and urban companion to provide a new premium service experience to customers and invite them to co-create a better future together,”

Smart Malaysia announces 5 more dealers, Smart #1 EV to arrive before the end of 2023 05

“We are working hard to ensure that our EV mobility ecosystem is ready before the launch of the Smart #1 at the end of this year and we will share more news about other major developments in the coming months,” he added.

Also read: Review: Behind the wheel of Smart #1 in Malaysia, the Mercedes EV for people who can't afford a Mercedes

CY Foong


Traded advertising for a career that fits his passion for cars. Enjoys spotting cars during his free time and has a soft spot for Japanese Kei cars but drives a thirsty manual sedan.

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