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Frankfurt 2019: Oh gosh, this will be the next-gen BMW 4 Series

Adrian Chia · Sep 11, 2019 05:37 PM

Frankfurt 2019: Oh gosh, this will be the next-gen BMW 4 Series 01

  • Vertical kidney grille will be face of the next-gen BMW 4 Series
  • Design and profile inspired from the sexy BMW 8 Series Coupe
  • Basically, it’s a baby 8 Series Coupe!

Taking centre stage at BMW’s stand at the 2019 Frankfurt Motor Show (IAA) is the BMW Concept 4. The new concept foreshadows the Bavarian’s forthcoming 4 Series coupe.

Clearly BMW is very proud of their 8 Series Coupe as the Concept 4’s design is heavily referenced from its handsome larger sibling. Except for the grille, but we’ll get to that later.

Frankfurt 2019: Oh gosh, this will be the next-gen BMW 4 Series 02

The Concept 4 features BMW’s signature proportions – stretched bonnet, long wheelbase, flowing roofline and short overhangs. Its athletic body is further highlighted by the slim headlamps and taillamps as well as the large wheels (21-inch on the concept) that fills up the arches nicely.

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What’s less appealing is the new vertical kidney grille that stretches all the way to the lower section of the bumper. This design is BMW’s next-generation kidney grille design that first debut on the BMW VISION NEXT 100 concept car in 2016. Not my cup of tea, but it is the future.

Frankfurt 2019: Oh gosh, this will be the next-gen BMW 4 Series 01

Being a 4 Series replacement, it is highly likely the new coupe will share the same underpinnings as the G20 BMW 3 Series. Expect the new car to be lighter and stronger along with the availability of powertrain options of the G20.

Adrian Chia


Psychology graduate with over 4 years in the automotive industry, 3 in front of the camera. Occasionally seen at his family owned tyre shop. Will only buy cars that passes the big bottle test.

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2021 BMW 4 Series Coupe 430i M Sport Innovation Package


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