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Honda reaffirms electrification targets - seven Honda 0 models to be launched by 2030; revamped i-MMD hybrid coming

Arvind · May 17, 2024 08:45 AM

Honda reaffirms electrification targets - seven Honda 0 models to be launched by 2030; revamped i-MMD hybrid coming 01

Honda has announced a comprehensive electrification strategy aimed at transforming its vehicle lineup and achieving significant milestones in the xEV market. 

In a business briefing with investors today - Director, President, and Global CEO Toshihiro Mibe reaffirmed Honda's commitment to making battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) account for 100 percent of its global vehicle sales by 2040. By 2030, the company plans for these vehicles to constitute 40 percent of its global sales, producing over 2 million EVs (BEV and FCEV) annually.

To achieve this, the company has outlined a robust and multi-pronged strategy that will focus not just on cars, but reducing manufacturing costs and strengthening its value chain with a central focus on battery technology. Honda also aims to achieve profits of '5 percent for its xEV business as of 2030'.

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BEV Lineup Strategy

Honda reaffirms electrification targets - seven Honda 0 models to be launched by 2030; revamped i-MMD hybrid coming 01

Central to Honda’s electrification strategy is the introduction of the Honda 0 Series – set to debut in North America in 2026 – which will become a flagship global BEV lineup. By 2030, Honda will launch 7 models under this series, covering a range of sizes from small to large. These models will embody a new development philosophy termed “Thin, Light, and Wise.” Those catchphrases abbreviate the following strategy:

  • Thin: Employing Honda’s Man Maximum, Machine Minimum mantra referring to good-looking and well-packaged cars.
  • Light: Engineering lighter vehicle frames and efficient in-house developed powertrain technology.
  • Wise: Honda will develop its own electrical architecture and vehicle OS, integrating AI, and offer ADAS Level 3 technology.

Also read: Could the Honda 0 Series Saloon concept preview the 2026 Honda Legend EV?

Honda reaffirms electrification targets - seven Honda 0 models to be launched by 2030; revamped i-MMD hybrid coming 02

Honda is also expanding its micro-mobility solutions with the introduction of a product equipped with four Honda Mobile Power Pack e: (MPP) units in Japan by the end of FY2026. This product will enhance the versatility and application of Honda’s MPP technology.

The series will feature advanced platforms, ultra-thin battery packs, and lightweight body frames designed to deliver both a sporty driving experience and high energy efficiency.

Based on EPA standards, each model in the 0 Series is expected to achieve a range of over 300 miles (643 km).

Additionally, Honda will establish a comprehensive BEV value chain centred on batteries. This includes the early procurement of batteries through partnerships and transitioning to in-house battery production with joint ventures. Honda plans to expand its battery business to cover the entire lifecycle, including charging services, energy services, and battery recycling.

Upcoming BEV and HEV Plans

Honda reaffirms electrification targets - seven Honda 0 models to be launched by 2030; revamped i-MMD hybrid coming 03

Ye P7 and Ye S7 are the first models in the Ye Series. GAC Honda will handle the P7 while Dongfeng Honda will sell the S7.

Looking ahead, Honda is poised to make significant strides in both BEV and hybrid-electric vehicle (HEV) markets. In China, Honda will introduce 10 new BEV models by 2027, aiming for 100 percent BEV sales by 2035.

This expansion includes the new "Ye Series," which will succeed the current e:N Series.

Honda reaffirms electrification targets - seven Honda 0 models to be launched by 2030; revamped i-MMD hybrid coming 04

For smaller vehicles, Honda will launch the N-VAN e - a commercial-use mini-EV in Japan, later this year. This will be followed by personal-use mini-BEVs in 2025 and small BEVs by 2026.

Also read: No relation to Kanye, Honda Ye EVs displayed in China with sales to begin at the end of 2024

Improving its hybrid technology

In the hybrid segment, Honda will revamp its (i-MMD) two-motor hybrid-electric system, e:HEV, to be lighter and more efficient. This system will be implemented across more models.

Honda reaffirms electrification targets - seven Honda 0 models to be launched by 2030; revamped i-MMD hybrid coming 05

In addition, Honda will repurpose its BEV development technologies to hybrid-electric models and adopt an electric all-wheel drive (e-AWD) system that leverages the motor installed in BEV models. Compared to a conventional AWD system, the e-AWD system will increase power and enable more precise control of power distribution.

In the meantime, Honda will continue to offer its hybrid models to a large number of customers around the world. At the same time, the structure of the ICE business, which includes hybrid-electric models, will be further strengthened to ensure steady earnings. Then, the funds generated from its ICE business will be invested into BEV and other new businesses.


Senior Writer

Arvind can't remember a time when he didn't wheel around a HotWheels car. This love evolved into an interest in Tamiya and RC cars and finally the real deal 1:1 scale stuff. Passion finally lead to formal training in Mechanical Engineering. Instead of the bigger picture, he obsesses with the final drive ratio and spring rates of cars and spends the weekends wondering why a Perodua Myvi is so fast.

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