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Proton X70 1.8L 2WD Is More Expensive To Maintain Than The Honda CR-V 1.5L

Adrian Chia · Aug 30, 2019 03:40 PM

Proton X70 1.8L 2WD Is More Expensive To Maintain Than The Honda CR-V 1.5L 01

  • Estimated cost 60-months/100,000 km is RM4,897.50
  • 1.8-litre TGDi engine uses 5-litres of engine oil
  • Automatic Transmission Fluid costs RM500.96

The Proton X70 recorded unprecedented success in the local SUV segment and it’s not hard to see why. It’s packed with advanced features and impressive build quality at an attractive price point of RM99k to RM123k for the range-topping Premium 2WD variant.

Proton X70 1.8L 2WD Is More Expensive To Maintain Than The Honda CR-V 1.5L 02

To date, Proton has delivered over 15,000 units of the X70 and the figure is only going to climb with the imminent launch of the locally-assembled (CKD) version. Which is claimed to come with even more value-added features.

Purchasing is the start of new car ownership, but maintenance is where the challenge lies. Fortunately, the company has released its estimated service maintenance costs on their official site and to our surprise, the X70 1.8-litre 2WD is costlier to maintain than its closest competitor, the Honda CR-V 1.5-litre 2WD.

Proton X70 1.8L 2WD Is More Expensive To Maintain Than The Honda CR-V 1.5L 03

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To put things into perspective, the two models are powered by a turbocharged four-cylinder petrol unit driving the front wheels. The Proton comes with a conventional 6-speed torque converter while the Honda uses a CVT.

Interestingly, the X70 1.8-litre 2WD’s service maintenance costs are estimated to be RM939.09 more expensive than the CR-V 1.5-litre 2WD over the course of 5-Years or 100,000 km mileage. A negligible difference considering the Proton is some RM40,000 cheaper to purchase compared to the Honda.

Proton X70 1.8L 2WD Is More Expensive To Maintain Than The Honda CR-V 1.5L 01

Taking a look at the breakdown, there is a big spike in the difference at the 36-month/60,000 km interval. This is largely due to the recommended Transmission Oil change (RM500.96), Spark Plugs change (RM112.32) and Radiator Coolant change (RM119.70) on top of the standard oil change procedure.

Another factor that the X70 is more costly to maintain is its 1.8-litre engine requires 5-litres of engine oil while the CR-V with its smaller 1.5-litre powerplant only requires 4-litres. The X70 is also recommended to have its Spark Plugs replaced every 12-months/20,000 km which adds on to the running costs.

Proton X70 1.8L 2WD Is More Expensive To Maintain Than The Honda CR-V 1.5L 02

Honda’s CVT fluid change only costs RM141.50 but requires more frequent replacement at every 40-months/40,000 km. One thing to note is that the CR-V’s cabin air filter (dust and pollen filter as they call it) is more than double of what Proton is asking for – RM134.70 vs RM64.17.

Having said that, the X70 will, in the long run, incur a higher running cost when it comes to annual road tax (RM359.70 vs. RM100), fuel costs (less fuel-efficient compared to CR-V) and tyre replacement (18- & 19-inch on Executive variants and above).

However, considering that you are paying a lot less from the onset of owning the car, the slightly higher maintenance costs (less than RM1,000 difference) shouldn’t be a deal-breaker for those who appreciate the X70 as a whole package.

Adrian Chia


Psychology graduate with over 4 years in the automotive industry, 3 in front of the camera. Occasionally seen at his family owned tyre shop. Will only buy cars that passes the big bottle test.

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