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Thailand's 2020 Isuzu D-Max is outselling Hilux, Triton, and Ranger combined

Sanjay Β· Jul 27, 2020 06:17 PM

Thailand's 2020 Isuzu D-Max is outselling Hilux, Triton, and Ranger combined 01

The all-new 2020 Isuzu D-Max is now Thailand's best selling pick-up truck - selling better than the Toyota Hilux Revo, Mitsubishi Triton and the Ford Ranger combined in June this year, Headlight Mag reports

Thailand's 2020 Isuzu D-Max is outselling Hilux, Triton, and Ranger combined 02

Photo credit: Headlight Mag

In June, Isuzu delivered 14,868 units of the D-Max. This figure is still 3,152 units more than all the other competitors combined.

To date, 67,625 D-Max have been sold - 45.3% of 149,432 pick-ups moved in Thailand. Coming in second place is the Hilux Revo with 49,622 (33.2%) units sold and in third place is the Triton with only 11,598 (7.8%) units driving out of dealerships.

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The catalyst of the D-Max’s sales could be that it’s an all-new model, compared to the Toyota Hilux and Mitsubishi Triton.

Thailand's 2020 Isuzu D-Max is outselling Hilux, Triton, and Ranger combined 01

However, expect the fight to get tighter as Toyota recently launched the top-range Hilux Revo Rocco with a revised 2.8-litre turbodiesel engine, and Nissan looks to join the fight too with the revised NP300 Navara

Thailand's 2020 Isuzu D-Max is outselling Hilux, Triton, and Ranger combined 02

Don’t forget, there’s the all-new Mazda BT-50 too - based on the Isuzu D-Max.


Senior Writer

With humble beginnings collecting diecast models and spending hours virtually tuning dream cars on the computer, his love of cars has delightfully transformed into a career. Sanjay enjoys how the same passion for cars transcends boundaries and brings people together.

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