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The 2022 Honda HR-V takes a stroll at night to remind us bookings are open

Dinesh ยท Jun 24, 2022 05:58 PM

The 2022 Honda HR-V takes a stroll at night to remind us bookings are open 01

To say the new 2022 Honda HR-V is garnering a lot of attention would be quite an understatement. Since orders opened earlier this month, bookings have been pouring; much to the joy of Honda Malaysia.

Also Read: First impressions of the Malaysian-spec 2022 Honda HR-V with VTEC Turbo

Buyers can’t get enough of the new HR-V and Honda Malaysia continues to tease and tantalise them with bits of videos on their social media, the latest being this 10-second spot showcasing the SUV’s taillight signature in a night setting.

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The 2022 Honda HR-V takes a stroll at night to remind us bookings are open 01

Despite becoming a fixture among new vehicles, the lit strip of light between the taillights is still a refreshing design cue and lends the HR-V a semblance of girth from the outside.

Also Read: Review: 2022 Honda HR-V RS - Maybe you'd want to hold the Corolla Cross booking first...

This follows the move by Honda Malaysia to organise previews of the HR-V at various dealers nationwide.

To quickly recap, the new HR-V will be available with 3 powertrains but sharing the same 1.5-litre displacement. The first is a naturally-aspirated unit (121 PS, 145 Nm) followed by a turbocharged one (177 PS, 240 Nm) and climaxes with a petrol-electric hybrid (131 PS, 253 Nm).

The 2022 Honda HR-V takes a stroll at night to remind us bookings are open 02

Just like its stablemates; the City and City Hatchback, the HR-V will sport the full Honda Sensing ADAS suite; something its predecessor lacked. To make up for that, Honda Sensing will be standard across the range with the new HR-V.

It’s set for an official launch soon.



โ€œBetter late than never.โ€ Some despise it, others begrudgingly agree with it but he swears by itโ€ฆ much to the chagrin of everyone around him. That unfortunately stems from all of his project cars not running most of the time, which in turn is testament to his questionable decision-making skills in life. A culmination of many wrongs fortunately making a right; much like his project cars on the rare occasions they run, heโ€™s still trying to figure out if another project car is the way to go.

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