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The Toyota IMV 0 Concept isn't only for small businesses in ASEAN but Japan as well

CY Foong · Oct 25, 2023 10:00 AM

The Toyota IMV 0 Concept isn't only for small businesses in ASEAN but Japan as well 01

Amidst the futuristic concepts shown at Toyota’s booth at the ongoing 2023 Japan Mobility Show (JMS), there is a familiar retro-looking concept that showcases possibly the simplest mobility solution for the developing world.

The Toyota IMV 0 Concept isn't only for small businesses in ASEAN but Japan as well 02

The Toyota IMV 0 made its Japanese debut at the event formerly known as the Tokyo Motor Show roughly a year after its global unveiling in Thailand by former Toyota CEO, Akio Toyoda. Since then, the IMV 0 has been shown in the Philippines and Indonesia as the Tamaraw and Rangga respectively.

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The Toyota IMV 0 Concept isn't only for small businesses in ASEAN but Japan as well 01

One of the IMV 0 concepts shown at JMS 2023 is the Toyota Rangga mobile café concept which was shown at the 2023 Gaikindo Indonesia International Auto Show (GIIAS). The IMV 0 demonstrates its modular concept that allows all kinds of uses that can be offered to the truck which brings plenty of opportunities to small businesses.

It would also be inexpensive to build with simple parts replacement and Toyota claims that the IMV 0 can be rebuilt into various body styles in under an hour.

Also read: Toyota's newest IMV 0 platform redefines modularity; rebuilding new body style less than 1 hour

The Toyota IMV 0 Concept isn't only for small businesses in ASEAN but Japan as well 02

As for powerplants, Toyota has not revealed what is under the hood but since it is mainly developed for emerging markets, especially in Southeast Asia, it might be using the same turbodiesel unit currently on the Hilux and Fortuner. Thai media has speculated that the production version of the IMV 0 could be launched in the Kingdom in November.

Also read: A cheaper, custom-order mini-Hilux? Toyota IMV 0 to make global debut in Thailand on 27 Nov 2023

The Toyota IMV 0 Concept isn't only for small businesses in ASEAN but Japan as well 03

Still, the simple and retro look might make it appealing outside of ASEAN. The modular concept shouldn’t be restricted to only developing markets and as seen in some official computer-generated images of the IMV 0, it can go beyond just a commercial vehicle.

CY Foong


Traded advertising for a career that fits his passion for cars. Enjoys spotting cars during his free time and has a soft spot for Japanese Kei cars but drives a thirsty manual sedan.

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