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Your headlights are more than just to illuminate the path for you

Jerrica · Oct 19, 2019 12:00 PM

headlight guide

Can you see the white car in this picture? 

We’re all familiar with the usage of our car headlights.

It’s a regulation that all car manufacturers are required to install headlights on their cars. There is also a set guideline on the placement that must be followed.

We know to turn them on when the sky turns dark to illuminate the path ahead of us.

heavy rain and why you should turn on your head lights

Photo by Igor Tudoran on Unsplash

But our headlights are installed on our cars to do more than just illuminate the road in front of us. They also help other road users see us better.

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Especially during rainy days when our cars are covered in spray and water droplets making visibility at its lowest.

Let’s not mention about the old cars with its polish well worn off and are badly water stained will have even less visibility during these rainy days.

Mazda CX-5 headlights

Having our headlights on will also make us visible in another driver’s side view mirror. 

This will also save them the need to play spot the car or the high stake game of cutting into a lane not knowing if there will be impact from something invisible!

Let’s paint another scenario, you just entered a multi storey car park and your eyes needed time to readjust to the dimness.

dimly lit parking lot

Photo by Carl Newton on Unsplash

While your eyes adjust to the dimness as you drive around the blind corners of the car park, you saw the flash of light coming from the other side of the corner.

Yes, turning on your headlights in a multi-storey car park is to alert any on-coming vehicles to your presence as well!



There isn’t a time in memory that doesn’t involve staring at cars. After discovering the excitement of watching Schumacher vs Hakkinen, Formula 1 became a major part of life. The love for cars and F1 ultimately led to a job with CAR Magazine. The untimely death of the magazine meant a hiatus from cars at lifestyle women’s magazine Marie Claire before another opportunity came knocking again.

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