
mitsubishi eclipse cross malaysia

Mitsubishi ASX discontinued in Malaysia; Eclipse Cross not coming

The long-serving Mitsubishi ASX is no more in Malaysia. The Mitsubishi ASX was Mitsubishi Motors Malaysia’s oldest model on sale and it has no immediate successor. A quick check on MMM’s site shows that the ASX has been removed from the local line-up, leaving the Mitsubishi Outlander as the sole SUV in MMM’s line-up. Also Read: Mitsubishi ASX – Old but is it still worth your attention? The Mitsubishi ASX made its Malaysian debut way back in 2010 as an imported (CBU) model from Japan. Local assem


Apr 12, 2021

Mitsubishi Motors teases new Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross

In a blink of an eye, it has been 3 years since Mitsubishi dusted off an old sports car name and plastered it onto a new compact crossover to create the Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross. The car is now due for a facelift and Mitsubishi has released a teaser of the upcoming reveal on their official Instagram page. All that we know for now is that Mitsubishi has redesigned the front and rear design while the company has also promised a more upscale and energetic overall look. With the SUV scheduled to go


Sep 17, 2020

Mitsubishi ASX在我国停售,Eclipse Cross也不会引进

市售多年的Mitsubishi ASX终于要和马来西亚说再见了。Mitsubishi ASX是大马Mitsubishi公司最老的在售车型,目前还没有接替它的新车型。 在MMM的网站上可以看到,ASX已经从我国车系中被剔除了,这也让Mitsubishi Outlander成为MMM阵容中唯一的SUV车型。 推荐阅读:Mitsubishi ASX – Old but is it still worth your attention? Mitsubishi ASX早在2010年就作为日本进口(CBU)车型在我国上市。Mitsubishi ASX的本地组装(CKD)于2014年开始,在位于Segambut的ASX的合同组装商Tan Chong Motor Assemblies进行组装生产。 多年来,ASX历经多次升级 与2010年首次推出的ASX相比,更新的车型拥有更好的内装装配质量、更好的隔音性能和更多的安全配备,这是Mitsubishi多次改进的结果。 推荐阅读:Let’s take a closer look at the new Mitsubishi ASX 那Mitsubishi E


Apr 14, 2021

Wearing a Cross-facia: 2020 Mitsubishi Pajero Sport Facelift

Mitsubishi Pajero Sport has been one of the representatives of hard-liner off-road vehicles, and time has come to its mid-cycle refresh. Recently, photos of 2020 Mitsubishi Pajero sports released showed an overall renew on the new car. The profile of the fourth generation is as bulky as Mitsubishi's current Eclipse Cross models. With a new split lamp and Mitsubishi's dynamic shield design, the new SUV delivers a bold concept as a whole. The new car's air intake grille is painted in black, which


Jul 28, 2019

Mitsubishi Triton serba baru sah hadir untuk tahun 2020. Mitsubishi sasar pasaran Malaysia?

Mitsubishi Motors Corporation (MMC) telah mengumumkan bahawa ia akan memperkenalkan sekurang-kurangnya 9 lagi model baru mulai tahun kewangan 2022, termasuk Mitsubishi Triton serba baru dan Mitsubishi Xpander Hybrid baru. Semasa pembentangan perniagaan syarikat untuk tahun kewangan 2020 - 2022 syarikat semalam, MMC mengulangi penekanannya untuk memberi tumpuan kepada blok ASEAN kerana unjuran pertumbuhan yang bagus. Asia Tenggara adalah pasaran terbesar MMC, dengan blok perdagangan ASEAN menyumb


Jul 29, 2020

Mitsubishi ASX tamat pengeluaran, tiada model pengganti?

Mitsubishi Motors Malaysia telah mengesahkan kepada Wapcar.my bahawa Mitsubishi ASX telah ditamatkan pengeluaran sejak Januari 2021. SUV kompak segmen C tersebut telah dilancarkan sejak tahun 2010 lagi. Ketika ini, tiada model lain yang dilaporkan akan menggantikan Mitsubishi ASX. Bagi pembaca yang tertanya-tanya mengenai Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross, maklumat awal yang diterima adalah model ini juga tidak akan ditawarkan di Malaysia atas faktor harga. Eclipse Cross juga ada ditawarkan di Indonesia.


Apr 12, 2021

Better Mitsubishi products for Malaysia as MMC doubles down focus on ASEAN?

As a company, Mitsubishi Motors Corporation (MMC) have seen better days. Yes, the company still enjoys a strong market presence, especially in 4x4s and it’s still the only brand that’s in a position to challenge the Toyota Hilux's dominance, but it’s safe to say that company have long passed its peak. More than 100 ago, Mitsubishi Motors’ predecessor, the Mitsubishi zaibatsu conglomerate built Japan’s first series production car – the Model A, which was a copy of the Fiat Tipo 3. At its peak, th


Jun 28, 2020

Scoop: Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution to return in 2021 as an electric crossover?

Think of Mitsubishi Motors (MMC) and you’re most likely thinking about its past when it conquered rallies and the silver screen with cars like the legendary Lancer Evolution and Eclipse. Now though, Mitsubishi Motors is on another trajectory, and in doing so, it wants you to forget those glory days. Yes, fellow petrolheads, if you’ve managed to read past the headline and actually read the article, MMC has plans in reviving the Evolution name but as an electric crossover. This is according to a s

CY FoongCY Foong

Jan 4, 2021

Mitsubishi Xpander Hybrid pada tahun 2023? Ada 5 model baru untuk elektrifikasi

Mitsubishi yang telah sekian lama menerajui elektrifikasi kenderaan sedang merancang untuk mengeluarkan lebih banyak model hibrid dan EV dalam pelan perniagaan suku pertengahan tiga tahun mereka. Sebahagian daripada pelan ini melibatkan Mitsubishi Xpander hibrid yang dijangka akan diperkenalkan pada tahun 2023. Di bawah pelan yang digelar “Small but Beautiful” ini, pembuat kereta dari Jepun itu akan mengutamakan pelancaran model mesra alam dan akan menarik fokus mereka kepada pasaran ASEAN diman


Nov 3, 2020

Mitsubishi Xpander Hybrid planned for 2023, 1 of 5 new xEVs announced

Mitsubishi Motors Corporation (MMC) is accelerating its push into electrified vehicles with 5 models planned in the future. One of those models planned is the hybrid version of the Mitsubishi Xpander. The hybrid version of the eccentric-looking SUV is planned for launch in 2023 as part of Mitsubishi’s plan to have electrified vehicles account for half of its global sale by 2030. But before that, Mitsubishi is expected to launch the Eclipse Cross PHEV in Japan in December 2020. This is followed b

CY FoongCY Foong

Nov 3, 2020

All-new Mitsubishi Triton confirmed for 2022, Xpander Hybrid in 2023, plus 9 more models

Mitsubishi Motors Corporation (MMC) have announced that it will be introducing at least 9 more new models starting financial year 2022, including an all-new Mitsubishi Triton and a new Mitsubishi Xpander Hybrid. During the company’s FY2020 – 2022 Mid-Term Business Plan presentation yesterday, MMC reiterated its emphasis to focus on the ASEAN reason, for reasons which we have already covered here earlier. South East Asia is MMC’s biggest market, with the ASEAN trade bloc contributing nearly 30 pe


Jul 28, 2020

Why we shouldn't mourn the death of the Mitsubishi Pajero?

If you’re a fan of Mitsubishi and 4x4s, you are probably saddened by news of Mitsubishi announcing the end of production of the Pajero in 2021. Right now is probably not a good time to be a Mitsubishi fan. The Eclipse name was revived on a crossover and sales of Mitsubishis are dwindling to the point they're exiting European markets while focusing more on ASEAN markets. The Pajero being killed off in favour of Outlanders might be the final nail in the coffin but please bear with me. The Pajero i

CY FoongCY Foong

Jul 31, 2020

Kenapa harga kereta berprestasi Jepun (JDM) 80an dan 90an tiba-tiba mahal?

Baru-baru ini saya perhatikan banyak netizen Facebook riuh rendah tentang trend kereta berprestasi Jepun dari zaman 80an, 90an, sehingga awal tahun 2000 yang dijual dengan harga melebihi nilai sebenar. Malah ada yang mencecah enam angka bagi casis bukan original model tetapi ‘convert’. Apa cerita? Kalau lihat bahagian komen, mesti ada yang meninggalkan komen seperti “mahal tak kena gaya”, “tak berbaloi sebab ‘convert’”, ataupun “kereta dah lama pun harga neraka ke?”. Secara peribadinya, saya ber

Zamil SyaheerZamil Syaheer

Jan 16, 2021

Top Rank: What are the safest cars according to ASEAN NCAP?

Ever since it published its first report in 2013, the ASEAN NCAP has been the voice of road safety in the South East Asian region. The number of cars that get the maximum 5-star rating is quite impressive. Based on the latest 2017-20 scoring methodology, there have been 25 out of 37 vehicles that received the maximum 5-star rating. But out of these cars, which is the safest? A little bit of background, prior to the 2017-2020 revision, the ratings mainly consisted of the adult occupant protection

CY FoongCY Foong

Nov 1, 2020

2021 Mitsubishi Triton Athlete teased, launching in Malaysia on 8 April

A teaser video of the 2021 Mitsubishi Triton Athlete has been released on Mitsubishi Motors Malaysia (MMM)’s Facebook page. The new Mitsubishi Triton Athlete will be launched via livestream through MMM’s Facebook page and YouTube channel next week, 8 April. Being a teaser, not much can be seen apart from the Triton’s silhouette and the LED DRLs. The Triton Athlete appears to feature the “Flying Sports Bar” as seen in the Adventure X variant. Apart from that, we’ll need to wait until the reveal t


Apr 2, 2021

Mitsubishi Triton Athlete 2021 diacah, sah dilancarkan di Malaysia minggu depan!

Model trak pikap dengan aksesori tambahan adalah trend yang sedang melanda pasaran ketika ini. Justeru itu, tidak hairanlah jika Mitsubishi Motors Malaysia turut mengumumkan pelancaran model Mitsubishi Triton Athlete pada 8 April 2021 jam 10 pagi. Model Mitsubishi Triton Athlete adalah trak pikap gaya hidup daripada Mitsubishi. Ia pertama kali dilancarkan pada tahun 2019, seperti biasa di Thailand dan hanya menjengah ke Malaysia pada tahun 2021. Kehadiran Mitsubishi Triton Athlete juga akan meny


Apr 2, 2021

While we wait for the Mitsubishi Triton Athlete, let's pay respect to its forefathers

Speak of Mitsubishi, and voices will come out of nowhere, boohooing about the fate of the Lancer Evolution and Eclipse nameplates. But to just confine the storied Japanese carmaker to just two models is to do them a disservice. Which is why we're looking at their pick-up truck history today, one that started 40-plus years ago and has since culminated in the capable Mitsubishi Triton. 1st Generation - Simple workhorse Things started simple for Mitsubishi, heck even the name is just that - the Ame


Apr 7, 2021


自从2013年的第一份报告开始,东盟NCAP一直都是东南亚地区的道路安全代言人,而在测试中,能拿到5星评级的车型数量还是很可观的。 基于从2017到现在所采用的最新评分方式,在37款车型中,总共有25款拿到了最高的5星评级。不过,在这些车型中,谁是最安全的呢? 简单做一下背景介绍:在2017年评分标准修改之前,评分主要由成人乘客保护性(AOP)和儿童乘客保护性(COP)组成,而想要取得5星的评分,首要条件就是ESC和安全带提醒功能。 不过,随着安全辅助技术(SAT)的发展,东盟NCAP也已经将ADAS纳入了最新标准中,并将其作为重要的参考项目。因此,有无ADAS功能也会对最终的评分产生影响。 那么,究竟要多安全才算安全呢?下面是一张拿到5星评分的车型列表,共25款,排名从高到低。 从表中可以看出,前5款车型的总体分数都超过了91分,让我们来好好分析一下这5款车。 Hyundai Ioniq:91.98分 从东盟NCAP的测试结果来看,Hyundai Ioniq可以称得上最安全的车型了,它同时也是大马能买到的最省油的新车。即便是只看AOP分数,它也算得上是相当安全的车型了。 根据他们提供


Nov 6, 2020

Launching in Malaysia in 2020: The CKD Toyota Corolla Cross will fight the Honda HR-V, Subaru XV

After over half a decade of sitting at the sidelines and watching the Honda HR-V going from strength to strength, Toyota finally has a product to rival the overachieving HR-V, it’s called the Toyota Corolla Cross, and yes it will be coming to Malaysia. Recall that we recently ran a post saying that UMW Toyota will be launching three new SUVs in the near term? The first candidate is obvious, that’s the Toyota RAV4. The remaining two models are less clear but today we can confirm one of it will be


Mar 31, 2020

SUV or MPV? What kind of car is the 2020 Mitsubishi Xpander?

Bookings for the 2020 Mitsubishi Xpander is now open. The 1.5-litre naturally aspirated MIVEC engine Xpander is locally-assembled in Pekan but a common question that consumers have is, is it an MPV or an SUV? The short answer is that it’s neither, but if we have to pick one, it will be an SUV, and that’s how we refer to it in all our articles on the Xpander. Yes, we recognize that there’s an even more SUV-like derivative model known as the Xpander Cross, currently on sale in Thailand, Indonesia,


Oct 23, 2020

Mitsubishi Motors Malaysia launches its official app called MITSUBISHI CONNECT

Mitsubishi Motors Malaysia (MMM) introduces its first-ever MITSUBISHI CONNECT mobile application for Mitsubishi car owners in Malaysia. The mobile app is available for download via Google Play Store and Apple App Store for free. The MITSUBISHI CONNECT mobile application offers a range of vehicle-related digital services, allowing Mitsubishi owners the convenience of scheduling a service appointment with their preferred MMM service centres, keep track of vehicle maintenance history and get remind


Jun 25, 2020

Eksklusif - Toyota Corolla Cross bakal berharga RM 120k, enjin 1.8 liter, lancar separuh akhir 2021!

Toyota Corolla Cross Umum mengetahui bahawa Toyota Corolla Cross bakal ditawarkan bagi menggantikan Toyota C-HR yang sudah digugurkan secara senyap dari laman web Toyota Malaysia. Sedikit maklumat eksklusif telah tiba ke meja pengarang kami. Dalam sebuah dokumen yang dikongsikan bersama Wapcar.my, Toyota Corolla Cross nampaknya bakal menjadi pesaing menarik dalam pasaran SUV. Pertama, Toyota tidak mahu mengulangi kegagalan Toyota C-HR dalam posisi harga. Toyota Corolla Cross bakal berharga sekit


Jan 22, 2021

Mitsubishi Triton Adventure X - kini dengan pilihan warna Sunflare Orange Pearl

Mitsubishi Motors Malaysia (MMM) hari ini merasmikan pilihan warna Sunflare Orange Pearl untuk Mitsubishi Triton Adventure X. Warna ini hadir sebagai pilihan terbaru selain warna Jet Black Mica dan White Diamond yang sedia ada. Selain itu, jaluran warna perak hadir di bahagian sisi untuk penampilan yang lebih ranggi dan sporty. Untuk maklumat anda, Triton Adventure X ialah varian teratas untuk trak pikap Mitsubishi di Malaysia. Dengan harga RM 137,900, ia didatangkan dengan sistem keselamatan ya


Nov 11, 2020

Thailand finally gets the 2020 Mitsubishi Xpander facelift

Mitsubishi Motors Thailand has just introduced the 2020 Mitsubishi Xpander facelift in the Kingdom, roughly 7 months after the facelifted model was first introduced in Indonesia. New addition to the Thai-spec Xpander facelift include a restyle front grille, new 16-inch dual-tone alloy wheels, as well as a shark-fin antenna. The rest of the SUV remain unchanged. As before, power is derived from a 1.5-litre naturally-aspirated MIVEC petrol engine that does 105 PS and 141 Nm – not exactly ground-br


Oct 9, 2020

Carta Tertinggi: Kereta paling selamat berdasarkan markah ASEAN NCAP

Semenjak penerbitan laporan pertama mereka pada tahun 2013, ASEAN NCAP menjadi satu rujukan penting untuk tahap keselamatan jalanraya di rantau Asia Tenggara. Kereta-kereta yang diberikan penilaian maksima 5 bintang pastinya sangat mengagumkan. Berdasarkan kaedah penskoran 2017-20 terbaru, sebanyak 25 daripada 37 kenderaan yang diberi penilaian maksima 5 bintang. Banyak juga kan? Tapi, dalam kalangan 25 buah kenderaan ini, mana satu yang paling selamat? Untuk pengetahuan anda, sebelum kaedah 201


Nov 4, 2020

Dakar Rally legend Hiroshi Masuoka was in this Mitsubishi Triton commercial for Malaysia

The latest video commercial for the Mitsubishi Triton is probably among the better Malaysia-produced ads for a pick-up truck, if not the best. Produced by Five55 Production, the ad left a lasting impression in our minds mainly because of its driving scenes, which was done by two-time Dakar Rally champion Hiroshi Masuoka. Recall that Masuoka-san, who is also an ambassador for the tri-diamond brand, was in Malaysia earlier in March for Mitsubishi Motors Malaysia’s 4SureThrill event at Setia Alam.


Sep 19, 2019

Watch how your CKD 2020 Mitsubishi Xpander is made

Last week, we saw the preview of the 2020 Mitsubishi Xpander and while you can start booking for the latest arrival in budget 7-seater SUVs (not MPV), prices will have to wait. On the other hand, Mitsubishi Motors Malaysia (MMM) has just officially kick-started local assembly (CKD) of the daring-looking SUV at DRB-HICOM’s Pekan plant. This production line is designed to roll out 6,000 units of the Xpander annually. Malaysia is the third country to locally-assemble the Xpander following Indonesia

CY FoongCY Foong

Oct 28, 2020

Toyota Corolla Cross 2021 dilancarkan - 139 PS, 1.8L, TSS, harga bermula RM 124k!

Toyota telah membuka tirai tahun 2021 dengan pelancaran Toyota Corolla Cross 2021. Model SUV baharu ini menjadi taruhan Toyota dalam segmen SUV kompak dan keluarga. Pelancaran Toyota Corolla Cross menyaksikan harga SUV Toyota yang sangat kompetitif iaitu dari RM 124,000 - RM 134,000. Selanjutnya, harga Toyota Corolla Cross adalah seperti berikut: Senarai Harga Toyota Corolla Cross 2021 Model Harga Corolla Cross 1.8 G RM 124,000 (tanpa SST) RM 128,000 (dengan SST) Corolla Cross 1.8 V RM 134,000 (


Mar 25, 2021

New Japan-Malaysia Mitsubishi JV for a higher quality CKD 2020 Mitsubishi Xpander

Mitsubishi Motors Malaysia (MMM) have taken the covers off the 7-seater 2020 Mitsubishi Xpander. Prices have yet to be announced (like many other companies, MMM has to deal with a very fluid situation in this Covid-19 period) but the company expects to release the price lists to dealers within November. Competing against the Perodua Aruz and Honda BR-V, the 1.5-litre naturally aspirated Xpander is locally-assembled (CKD) at its local partner’s DRB-Hicom’s facility in Pekan. This is a different a


Oct 22, 2020

Diintip! Toyota Corolla Cross 2020 diuji di jalanraya Malaysia

Sebuah SUV yang disamarkan ditemui dipandu di Malaysia dan berdasarkan pemerhatian kami pada rupa parasnya, ia tak lain tak bukan Toyota Corolla Cross 2020! Apabila Corolla Cross membuat debutnya pada awal bulan Julai, kami juga menjangkakan yang SUV ini akan sampai di Malaysia sebagai unit dipasang tempatan (CKD) hujung tahun ini atau awal 2021. Nampaknya jangkaan kami tepat kerana kereta ini telahpun dipandu-uji di jalanraya kita. Menurut rakan kami di Careta, lokasi penampakan SUV ini kurang


Jul 30, 2020