
proton suprima s problem

Rendered: Next-gen Proton Suprima S imagined, hot hatch potential?

Sporty-looking hatchbacks by Proton include the Proton Satria, Proton Satria Neo, and the Proton Suprima S. While there might be no plans for a successor to the Proton Suprima S soon, photo chopper Theophilus Chin has decided to use the Proton X50’s front end to imagine one. While Theophilus has called it the Proton H50, the result is very reminiscent of the Proton Suprima S. Instead of looking like a totally new car, the rendering looks like a well-done evolution of the turbocharged hatchback.


Jan 11, 2021

Panduan kereta terpakai: Proton Suprima S kini sekitar RM 30k, kereta prestasi atau sekadar besi?

Proton Suprima S Proton Suprima S yang hadir bersama-sama Proton Preve sebagai sebuah model global. Namun yang demikian, prestasi kereta Proton sebelum itu ternyata mengaburi nilai yang mampu ditawarkan oleh Proton Suprima S justeru menjejaskan penjualan hatchback segmen C ini. Berbeza dengan Proton Preve yang mahu memecahkan dominasi (dan sentimen) sedan segmen C buatan Jepun, Proton Suprima S pula dilihat mahu menyaingi pasaran hatchback conti, antaranya Ford Focus dan Volkswagen Golf. Dilengk


Nov 9, 2020

假想图:下一代Proton Suprima S渲染图,是你心目中的小钢炮吗?

在Proton旗下,造型运动的掀背车有Proton Satria、Proton Satria Neo和Proton Suprima S这么三款。对于Proton Suprima S,Proton暂时还没有开发继承车型的计划。不过别担心,我们的汽车PS达人Theophilus Chin又出手了。他决定以Proton X50的前脸为基础,为大家带来新车的假想图。 尽管Theophilus将其称作Proton H50,但最终的成品看起来却和Proton Suprima S十分相像。假想的渲染图看起来并不像是一款彻头彻尾的新车,反而像是这款涡轮掀背车的强力升级版。 真正的Proton Suprima搭载的是一具1.6升的涡轮增压CamPro引擎(139 PS/205 Nm),匹配一具CVT变速箱。这是一款造型帅气的车子,也发展出了自己的车迷群体。 在很早的时候,这款车也出现过6速手排的版本,但后来却从未投入市场。Proton对Proton Suprima S和Proton Preve给予了厚望,但最终这两款车却相继停产。 从与吉利合作以来,Proton已经引进了两款SUV,即Proton X7


Jan 14, 2021

Geely Emgrand GS refreshed, the Proton Suprima Crossover we never had

The Chinese media have released spyshots of the updated Geely Emgrand GS. The Emgrand GS isn’t a brand-new model per se, so it won't likely show up in Malaysia as the spiritual successor to the Proton Suprima S. In fact, the hatchback crossover has been on sale since 2016 and sold under the Emgrand series. It is a handsome-looking crossover with its design penned by Peter Horbury. During its five years of production, the Emgrand GS was given a couple of updates but this latest one looks more tha

CY FoongCY Foong

Jan 20, 2021

Proton acknowledges spare parts shortage problem, reaches out to customers in need

Like any organization experiencing rapid growth and change, there will be growing pains. Proton is experiencing this first hand, not just with supply issues of the very high in demand Proton X50, but also shortage in spare parts supply for its service centres. To Proton’s credit, the company has taken a very brave move to publically acknowledge the shortcomings in its after-sales services. At today’s announcement of Proton’s February 2021 sales performance, Proton said it recorded its highest ev


Mar 2, 2021

Fix for Proton’s after-sales parts supply shortage underway, IT problem the cause

Proton has been at the receiving end of many angry complaints from customers with regards to its after-sales. Proton dealers are experiencing shortage of not just regular wear and tear replacement parts, but also bigger body and paint parts for collision repairs. You may have read of complaints of customers who have been waiting for months to get parts for their accident-damaged Proton cars. Those complaints are legit but like many things you read on Facebook, the alleged reasons behind the part


Feb 9, 2021

Rendered: Proton S50 C-segment saloon, Preve and Waja successor?

Proton had always been known for its saloon cars that were popular with Malaysian families. The Proton Saga, Wira, Waja, Perdana, and Preve are some to name. The most ambitious of them all would have been the Proton Preve, claimed as Proton’s first global car. Under the Proton-Geely partnership, several future model names have been registered. Including the X50 and X70, several other names have been registered too like the C50 and S50. The C50 is probably reserved for a hatchback model while the


Jan 31, 2021

Lakaran: Proton Tiara baru – bakal mengungguli Perodua Axia?

Proton merupakan jenama kereta Malaysia yang pertama tetapi jenama Perodua sentiasa menjadi pilihan rakyat. Walau apapun, apa anda rasa jika Proton hendak bersaing dengan Perodua Axia melalui model yang telah lama terkubur? Baru-baru ini, pelakar automotif terkenal di tanah air kita iaitu Theophilus Chin telah memberikan gambaran beliau mengenai Proton Tiara baru. Untuk maklumat anda, beliau juga telah melakar Honda HR-V yang akan datang. Berdasarkan lakaran beliau, Proton Tiara baharu kelihatan


Nov 30, 2020

Lakaran: Proton S50 saloon segmen C bakal jadi pewaris Preve dan Waja?

Sejak dari mula, Proton amat dikenali dengan barisan kereta saloon yang sangat-sangat popular dikalangan keluarga di Malaysia. Proton Saga, Wira, Waja, Perdana, dan Preve adalah antara yang terkenal. Model yang paling bercita-cita tinggi adalah Proton Preve yang dikatakan sebagai kereta global pertama Proton. Di bawah perkongisan Proton-Geely, beberapa nama model yang akan datang telahpun didaftarkan. Ini termasuk X50 dan X70, dan juga beberapa nama lain yang telah didaftar seperti C50 dan S50.


Feb 3, 2021

Our Ativa’s rattling sound is fixed! What was the problem? - Long-term review #6

It has been about two weeks of ownership with our Perodua Ativa. How have things been? Well, the rattling sound we mentioned previously had gotten really annoying. Every time we drove over abrupt irregularities on the right side, the sound became more and more apparent. We needed to take the Ativa to Sepang on Tuesday to check out some Malaysian-made electric car, so we held off going to the service centre until Wednesday. About two weeks of driving with that sound, we finally checked in at the


Apr 2, 2021

Rendered: Could this revived Proton Tiara beat the Perodua Axia?

Proton is easily the first homegrown Malaysian car brand but when it comes to being the people’s choice, it’s obvious that the answer belongs to Perodua. That being said, what if Proton decided to challenge the Perodua Axia with its own A-segment hatchback and bringing back a long-lost nameplate? Well, worry no more because this Proton Tiara (or should I say Tiada?) is designed by the maestro himself, Theophilus Chin, who also provided the renders of the next-gen Honda HR-V, Based on the looks,

CY FoongCY Foong

Nov 30, 2020

假想图:Proton S50 C级轿车,Preve和Waja的继承者?

Proton一直以其轿车而闻名,它们深受马来西亚家庭用户的欢迎,像Proton Saga、Wira、Waja、Perdana和Preve等都是很好的例子。而在这些轿车中,野心最大的当属Proton Preve了,它被称为Proton的首款全球车型。 而在Proton和吉利合作之后,已经有好几款未来的车型注册了商标。除了X50和X70之外,还有其它的名字也被注册了,其中就包括C50和S50。C50很可能会用到掀背车型上,而S50则可能是为轿车车型准备的。 在几乎将每一款吉利车型都进行Proton化渲染之后,Theophilus Chin又决定畅想一下新一代挂着“Proton S50”名号的Proton Preve / Proton Waja。我们必须承认,它看起来和吉利缤瑞十分相似。 Proton Waja和Proton Preve这两款车曾经都是Proton寄予了厚望的C级轿车,但最终它们都在没有后继者的情况下停产了。鉴于S50这个名字已经注册了商标,Proton推出新的C级轿车或许将会成为现实。 这张假想图实际上是基于Ford Focus轿车版渲染的,而车头则来源于Proton X5


Feb 8, 2021

3-cylinder engine vibration, noise, and reliability: Still a problem?

In the recent years, we have welcomed some new three-cylinder engine cars to the world – the Nissan Almera 1.0 turbo, Honda City 1.0 turbo (Thailand), Proton X50, and more excitingly, the Toyota GR Yaris. Even Christian von Koenigsegg has channelled his genius into developing a 600 HP three-cylinder engine. With these developments however, some of us still remain very sceptical of them. We will never forget the underpowered three pots in tiny cars like the Perodua Kancil and Perodua Kelisa. Sure


Jan 24, 2021

假想图:这辆复活的Proton Tiara能够打败Perodua Axia吗?

Proton是第一个马来西亚国产的汽车品牌,但若要问谁是人民的选择,答案却仍是Perodua。 尽管如此,但如果Proton决定要重新启用早已淘汰的招牌,用自己的这款A级掀背车来挑战Perodua Axia,结果又会是如何呢? 别担心,这辆Proton Tiara(或者应该说Tiada?)是出自大师Theophilus Chin之手,新一代Honda HR-V的渲染图也是出自他的手下。 从外观上看,它确实有点像被压扁了的Proton Suprima,在尾部又有一点Dacia Sandero或印度Tata Tiago的感觉。 一个有趣的事实是,Tiago一开始的名字叫做Zica,但因为听起来有点像Zika病毒,Tata最终为它改了名字,真是个糟糕的巧合。 回到这辆A级掀背车,它的前脸有着与Saga相似的头灯和前保险杠,同时还有从X50上借来的中网。 正如名字一样,Tiada只是个幻想。很遗憾,Proton几乎不可能重新复活这款A级掀背车了。 还记得Proton曾经向Perodua发起挑战的那两次尝试吗?Tiara和Savvy最终都以失败告终。尽管Savvy最终成为了我们喜爱的一款车(MT


Dec 7, 2020

Worth RM 3,500? A closer look at the 2020 Proton X50's accessories package

There's been much ado recently and it's not about nothing - the 2020 Proton X50 has very clearly won Malaysia's popularity contest since its October launch. But popularity isn't the only thing Proton's latest B-segment SUV's got in common with A-list celebrities. As waiting lists extend up to 6 months, the X50 was caught in controversy following allegations that dealers were forcing customers to buy optional accessories. A lot of the hubbub is due to pricing: at RM 3,300 for the Utility Package


Dec 7, 2020

Japan too has a problem with cars driving against traffic

The problem of motorists riding/driving against traffic is not unique to Malaysia, although your Facebook feeds will give you that it’s a growing problem confined only to Malaysia. Yesterday, a 35-year old man in Japan was killed when his Honda N-Box was hit head-on by a Toyota Crown driven by a 78-year old man who was driving against traffic. The incident happened yesterday 6-January, at 12.40 am at the Nishimeihan Expressway in Yamatokōriyama city, in Nara prefecture. The younger driver died o


Jan 7, 2021

My MPV sliding doors are not working, what is the problem?

So, the sliding doors on your MPV decided to fail on you. It could be a Toyota Alphard, Toyota Estima, Toyota Sienta, Nissan Serena, Hyundai Starex, or a Kia Grand Carnival. Manual sliding doors are a lot easier to fix, but power sliding doors are a little bit trickier. Before you rush to any nearby workshop, you might want to check a few things. The solution is usually a lot cheaper than you think it is. 1. Sliding doors hard to open or close? Could be dirty tracks The sliding doors of an MPV m


Jan 29, 2021

35 years of Proton – Could Proton have achieved more at 35?

Proton is an abbreviation or Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional. It’s a national car. That was the intention and it is something we should be proud of. Germany has Volkswagen, Japan has Toyota, and Korea has Hyundai. Other famous brands have been left out in favour of those that cater to the masses with “people’s cars”. Proton is 35 years old (We’ll take the Saga launch as its birthday). Toyota and Volkswagen are 83 years old while Hyundai is 53 years old. Proton is young in comparison to these compan


Aug 2, 2020

Proton setelah 35 tahun – Bolehkah Proton capai lebih lagi?

Proton sebenarnya adalah akronim untuk Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional. Sebagai sebuah jenama kereta nasional, kita patut berbangga dengan kewujudannya. Jerman ada Volkswagen, Jepun ada Toyota, dan Korea pula ada Hyundai. Jenama-jenama ini diketengahkan kerana ia memenuhi permintaan dengan “kereta rakyat”. Proton kini sudah berusia 35 tahun (dikira dari tarikh kelahiran Saga pertama). Toyota dan Volkswagen pula berumur 83 tahun manakala Hyundai 53 tahun. Proton dikira masih muda jika dibandingkan d


Aug 6, 2020

Lakaran: Honda City Hatchback 2021 dengan rupa luaran Spoon – JDM habis tak?

Honda City Hatchback 2021 membuatkan ramai yang gundah gulana. Ada yang kata ianya nampak kolot macam Proton Suprima S, dan ada juga yang kata ia nampak macam BMW 1 Series. Sementara menunggu Honda City Hatchback untuk dilancarkan di Malaysia menggantikan Honda Jazz, kami di WapCar ingin melihat bagaimana jika City Hatchback ini diberikan rupa luaran Spoon (penala Honda terkenal). Idea untuk menggunakan rupa luaran Spoon pada Honda City versi sedan telah dikongsikan oleh The Ajerul pada laman Fa

Zamil SyaheerZamil Syaheer

Dec 5, 2020

Proton’s electric dream of the past – Proton Iriz EV auctioned off

Back in 2015, Proton showcased an all-electric car – the Proton Iriz EV. Today, we were lucky enough to get a glimpse of some rather bizarre Proton cars being auctioned away. There were more than 10 Proton electric vehicles at the lot, but the best condition electric car would be the Proton Iriz EV. Five years ago, the Proton Preve and Proton Suprima were still in production, the Proton Persona was still based on the Gen2, Proton was 30 years old, and the thought of Proton making an SUV was absu


Jul 23, 2020

The one problem with the G20 BMW 3 Series that BMW needs to fix

There is no doubt that about the BMW’s superior dynamics, which is far ahead of the Mercedes-Benz C-Class and the Audi A4. We absolutely love the way it drives and sounds, even in the four-cylinder 330i. In terms of evolution of character, the G20 BMW 3 Series is closer to the more driver-focused E90 3 Series than the previous F30 model, which closer to the comfort-biased E46 than the sharper handling E90. The G20 BMW 3 Series is more spacious than the E90, without losing any of the excellent dr


Dec 31, 2019

Owner Review: Even better than the Honda Jazz? - Proton Iriz Owner Review

** This article is the personal experience of a 2016 Proton IRIZ 1.6 CVT Executive owner and does not necessarily reflect the views of WapCar. Mohamad Fazrul Rizman Car Hunting My Proton Iriz story started in 2015, as my wife had been complaining about her current car at that time for far too many times. It was a Myvi 1.0 manual. Being a man that supposedly have more knowledge of cars, I thought she just complained because she just wants a new car. So we swap cars. I took her car and she took mi

Owner ReviewOwner Review

Sep 11, 2020

What’s the Proton X50’s tested fuel consumption?

Proton claims the X50 returns a fuel consumption figure of 6.4-litre/100 km for the range-topping 1.5 TGDi Flagship variant. But what’s the real-world fuel consumption like? We tested the Proton X50 to find out. As per usual, all tyres were inflated according to the manufacturer's recommended tyre pressure. Then the Proton X50’s 45-litre fuel tank was brimmed. Air-conditioning was set at 22 degrees Celsius in automatic mode. Driving behaviour was normal, without aggressive throttle inputs or hyp


Feb 15, 2021

60% of Selangor roads passed service life, potholes never-ending problem

According to the state Infrastructure and Public Amenities, Agriculture Modernisation and Agro-based Industry committee, some 60 percent of roads in Selangor has reached its service life and many are structurally damaged. This is the main reason why potholes and cracks are a never-ending problem. Committee chairman Izham Hashim said that most of the roads in Selangor are close to 30 to 40 years old or more and past due for an upgrade. He further explained that roads usually reach maturity within


Feb 8, 2021

Proton warns buyers against booking a Proton X50 with brokers

The Proton X50 has been met with explosive interest in the months leading up to its preview. Two weeks since bookings started and Proton has already accumulated 20,000 bookings! But the company has since come to realise the problem of third-party sellers and released a note regarding the matter. "The upcoming launch of the Proton X50 has created a wave of interest amongst Malaysian car buyers. Prelaunch booking numbers have been strong and Proton would like to thank everybody for their support.


Oct 8, 2020

Why I Buy: The Proton X50: You shouldn't be looking at anything else!

** This article is the personal experience of a Proton X50 and does not necessarily reflect the views of WapCar. Car Info Car: Proton X50 1.5 TGDi Flagship Colour: Citric Orange Ordered on: 16th September 2020 Received on: 5th November 2020 Price: RM 103,300 Reasons to Buy Exterior & Interior The Proton X50 just made my jaw drop the first time I saw it. Obviously, I’ve seen the Geely Binyue on which the Proton X50 is based on, but when I saw the Proton X50 in Citric Orange, I instantly fell in l

Why I BuyWhy I Buy

Nov 12, 2020

Did Geely just confirmed that Proton X50's engine is not the same as Volvo XC40's?

Is the Proton X50's using the same engine as the Volvo XC40? It depends on who are you asking. Proton fans (and sales people) insist that it's the same engine but others say it's similar but not the same. To recap, the Proton X50 rides on Geely’s BMA platform, which is developed in-house by Geely themselves, without Volvo’s input. The Volvo XC40 however, rides on the more sophisticated CMA platform, which is co-developed by both Geely and Volvo, via their Sweden-based CEVT joint-venture company.


Sep 17, 2020

Hi Proton, what's the difference in the Proton X50's GKUI 19 infotainment?

Proton has just launched the 2020 Proton X50 in Malaysia, with prices starting from RM 79,200 for the base X50 1.5T Standard, before topping out at RM 103,300 for the 1.5 TGDi Flagship variant. While the Proton X50 may sit a rung below the Proton X70, the X50 actually features a newer, more sophisticated infotainment. Proton offers two version of the infotainment on the Proton X50: an 8.0-inch system and a larger 10.25-inch system. Both systems run on Geely Smart Ecosystem (GKUI) software, more


Oct 28, 2020

Geely-Volvo’s CEVT engine boss explains why the Proton X50’s 3-cylinder is better than a 4-cylinder

Dr. Håkan Sandquist holds a Ph.D. in internal combustion engines from Sweden’s Chalmers University of Technology, which is located in Gothenburg, basically Volvo town. He has spent 20 years working on automotive engines, 10 of which are related to electrified drivetrains – hybrids and plug-in hybrids. He currently works as Director of Powertrain Strategy at CEVT, a joint venture company between Volvo Cars and Geely, focusing on powertrain. However, even someone like Dr. Sandquist is no match aga


Nov 14, 2020