1. If the car in idling condition and top part of the engine making "shh shh" kind of gas leaking noise, and the noise gradually disappear as the RPM rev higher regardless of the engine is in cold or warm condition, it might be the engine vaccum hose has a leakege. Suggest to diagnose at the workshop.
2. Open the front bonnet, check if the vaccum hose is loosen or fell off. Start the engine and place your hand at the vaccum hose connector to feel if there is any air flowing through. If the vaccum hose fell off, suggest to reconnect it tightly, and best if it can be sent to workshop to be inspect by the professionals.
3. Open the fron bonnet, use your hand to touch the vaccum hose. If the hose feel soft it could be the car oily substances bring damage to it, such as the hose expanded which might cause by overheating to the hose, or during the electrochemical degradation there are coolant drip onto it and damage it.
4. Open the fron bonnet, check all vaccum hose body and connector if there is any breakage, owner can squeeze the hose with hand to see if there is any tiny crack line or scratches. Usually the irregular scratches or crakc line are cause by the friction between the hose and engine components. If the vaccum hose is found faulty, suggest owner to proceed to repair at workshop.
Suggest to perform diagnose at work shop, usually the keypoints of diagnose from the mechanic are:
1. Check each vaccum hose connector if it is loosen.
2. Check each vaccum hose if it has deformed, cracked, fell off.
3. Use a vaccum meter to check if the vaccum hose is clogged.
4. Replace the faulty vaccum hose and check it there is abnormal noise exists.