
  • Car Loan Calculator
  • Insurance Calculator
  • Road Tax Calculator
  • Fuel Cost Calculator

Car Loan Calculator Malaysia


Monthly Payment

Down Payment:

RM 0

Total Cost:

Bank Name
Interest Rate
2.85% p.a.
Affin Bank
2.92% p.a.
3.05% p.a.
3.18% p.a.
Hong Leong Bank
3.24% p.a.
3.4% p.a.
What is a car loan?
A car loan is a financial service used for the higher purchase of a car. A car loan allows you to hold on to more cash in hand while paying an interest over a period of time. The average car loan tenure in Malaysia can take up to 5, 7, or even 9 years.
How do I apply for a car loan?
Loan providers include banks and sometimes the car manufacturers themselves. To apply for a car loan, you first set the amount of money that you would like to loan. You will then be required to submit relevant documents like your bank statements, pay slip, and credit score to see if you are eligible for the loan.
How will the car's price affect the eligibility of the car loan in Malaysia?
In a car loan agreement, the car serves as a collateral. That means if you default on the loan, the bank will take the car from you. If the bank perceives the car of lesser value than you do, the chances of loan approval might decrease since the car’s value will not be able to pay off the loan.
What is the loan amount I can get in Malaysia?
The maximum amount of loan on a car is usually 90% of its value. You would have to make a 10% down payment first. In the case of used cars, you might have to make a 20% down payment, so the loan amount can only be 80% of the car’s value at maximum. Your monthly income will limit the amount of loan that will be approved by the bank.
Are there any chances of my loan application getting rejected?
Yes. Possible reasons for rejection include a loan amount that is too high, a poor credit score, a low valuation of the car by the bank, or just that your monthly income is not enough to pay off the monthly installments.
Should I get a car loan or pay in full?
A plus side of a car loan is that it enables you to have more cash in hand. The downside of a car loan is the interest rate that is charged. A plus side of paying a car in full is that no interest is charged. The downside is that you will have less cash in hand. It depends on your financial capabilities and needs.
What factors affect the interest rate of the car loan?
Several factors affecting the interest rate are the loan amount, loan tenure, type of car, and your credit score.
Do banks call your employer for car loan?
The car loan provider will want to make sure that you are able to service to loan. They might do a background check just to make sure that you are a good borrower with a steady income. Calling your employer is just one way of determining that.
Can I get a car loan with my credit card?
Depending on the price of the car and your credit card limit, it is possible to purchase a car with a credit card. It could even be the cheapest way to buy a car if you do it right.
Which bank is best for car loan in Malaysia?
Different banks will offer different interest rates and will value the car that you want to purchase differently (second-hand cars). To get the best deal on a loan, you will have to survey several banks before locking in on one.
What determines the car loan monthly installment amount?
The car loan monthly installment amount depends on the total car loan amount, car loan tenure, and car loan interest rate.
How can I check my car loan balance?
You can use online banking services to check the loan balance on your car. The loan statement is usually available for download and that is where you can see details about the loan.
Is there a car loan for more than 10 years in Malaysia?
The longest loan tenure for a car loan in Malaysia is 9 years.
Does applying for a car loan hurt your credit?
Any loan that you use will affect your credit score.
How do I pay my car loan?
To pay your car loan, you will need to service the monthly installment. The monthly installment comprises of the principal payment and interest payment. You can choose to pay the monthly installment manually or by auto deduction.
What happens if I don't pay my car loan?
Your car will be taken by the bank as collateral.

Car Loan Introduction

Purchasing a brand-new car is usually done with car loans or financing services. Used cars can be purchased on a loan too, provided ...

they’re not valued too low. The bank’s valuation of the car is important since it serves as a collateral in case of loan default.In Malaysia, car loan tenures can take up to 5, 7, or even 9 years. Loans enable you to hold on to your cash in hand by charging you an interest over a certain period of time.

Car Loan Eligibility

Car loan or financial service providers include banks and some car companies themselves. Whether or not you will be eligible for a car loan depends on factors like the loan amount, loan tenure, your monthly net income, credit score, and other factors.The interest rate of the car loan will be affected by the type of car (sports car/family car), loan amount, loan tenure, and your credit history.

Down payment and interest rates

A minimum of 10% down payment is usually required by banks for the purchase of a brand-new car and about 20% for a used car. Down payments can also be paid by trading in your current vehicle.Some car buyers prefer to pay a higher down payment to reduce the interest paid, while some prefer to have more cash in hand. The choice is yours to make depending on your financial needs.Keep in mind that an early settlement for your car loan will not drastically reduce the interest that you have to pay.

Monthly installment

With the car loan amount, loan tenure, and interest rate decided, a monthly installment amount will be obtained. This is usually the main concern for the average car buyer to see if it fits their budget. Monthly installments can be done via manual or auto deduction.

Insurance Calculator

Yearly Insurance Payment

What is the purpose of car insurance?
Car insurance serves to offer financial protection to the parties involved in a traffic incident. The priority is the well-being of the other person involved in the accident. Depending on the type of coverage, some parties are not protected (usually yourself).

Is a car insurance compulsory in Malaysia?
Yes. Car insurance is compulsory in Malaysia. Without a car insurance policy, you are unable to obtain a road tax. No insurance means no road tax. Without a road tax, it is illegal to drive your car on public roads.

What are the three types of car insurance?
The three types of car insurance in Malaysia are: Third-party insurance Third-party, fire, and theft insurance Comprehensive insurance

What is covered in a third-party car insurance?
A third-party car insurance only covers the financial losses of the other person involved in accident with you. Your car’s damages and your medical bills are not covered.

What does a comprehensive insurance cover?
It covers the financial cost of damage to your own car on top of the financial damage to the other party in the event of a traffic accident. Fire and theft insurance are included in a comprehensive insurance. Windscreen insurance is usually not included in a comprehensive insurance.

Do I need to insure my car if I’m not using it?
If it is only parked in a private property, an insurance is not required. You will need a car insurance if the car is used on public roads. A minimum of a third-party insurance is required to make the car road legal.

How are insurance premiums calculated in Malaysia?
Insurance premiums are calculated based on the sum insured on the car and what type of coverage is being subscribed to. Risk factors affecting the insurance premium of the car include the car price (current value), car type (sports car/family car), car registration location, age of driver, and car engine displacement.

How do I get cheap car insurance?
The less the sum insured, the cheaper the insurance premium will be. Cheaper cars generally cost less to insure. The insurance premium can also be lowered if you are assessed to be at lower risk of an accident. Aa a matter of fact, discounts are given to drivers who prove to be at lower risk in the form of NCD

What is an NCD?
The NCD is a no-claim discount that is given to drivers that have never claimed their insurance/be involved in an incident. After 1 year of no claims, a 25% discount is given on the premium on the following year. The discounted amount increases up to 55% after 5 years of no insurance claims.

How do I renew my car insurance in Malaysia?
Your car insurance can be renewed online on the websites of the respective insurance providers. You will just need to fill in the details of yourself and your car to get a quotation. Different car insurance providers will offer different rates. Once you’ve decided which car insurance you’d like to purchase, you can do so at the respective website.

How do I claim my insurance in the event of an accident?
In the event of an accident, check if you and the other party have suffered from any injuries first. You will need to contact your insurance provider, lodge a police report, document the accident, gather relevant documents, and submit the relevant documents to your insurer.

Do you have to pay insurance on a used car in Malaysia?
All cars that are used on public roads are required to have an insurance policy. The insurance policy is non-transferrable since a new owner will be assessed at a different risk level.

Do used cars cost more to insure in Malaysia?
It depends. It could be less and it could be more depending on the insurance provider.

What happens if I get into an accident without car insurance?
This usually happens when you drive a car that you do not own (borrowed). You are not an insured driver. In this case, you will have to bear the financial damage yourself. Car rentals are usually insured (as long as you are the insured driver) so you don’t have to worry about thatDo you really need full coverage for auto insurance?

Does my car insurance cover me in the event of a flood?
Unfortunately, the standard third-party insurance and comprehensive insurance do not cover the damages to your car in the event of a flood. You will need to subscribe to special perils insurance for natural disasters like so.

Car Insurance Introduction

Car insurance provides financial protection in the event of a traffic accident that causes physical damage or injury. Car insurance is ...

compulsory in Malaysia with the minimum requirement being the third-party insurance. Without a car insurance policy, the road tax could not be renewed for your car.

Types of Car Insurance in Malaysia

There are three main types of car insurance in Malaysia:

Third party insurance

Third party, fire, and theft


Third Party Insurance

In the event of injury or physical damage caused by a traffic collision where you are at fault, your insurance is used to compensate the financial losses caused to other party involved. Hence the name third party insurance. A police report will have to be made prior to making an insurance claim.

The third-party insurance is the most basic form of car insurance that only compensates the damages of the other party involved. Your personal damages are not covered.

Third party, fire, and theft insurance

“Third party, fire, and theft insurance” is a step up from the basic third-party insurance with fire and theft insurance included. As the name suggests, damage to your own car in a collision is still not covered.

Comprehensive insurance

Comprehensive insurance is the most complete form of car insurance. In addition to the coverage provided by “third party insurance” and “third party, fire, and theft insurance”, damage to your own vehicle is also covered by the insurance policy.

Factors affecting car insurance premium

The insurance premium for your car will be affected by several factors like:

Car gross market value

Type of car insurance

Car engine displacement

Your location

The car’s depreciation will reduce its gross market value, a higher insurance coverage will incur a higher premium, and a bigger engine displacement incur a higher premium.

Your location will determine the risk of an incident, thus affecting the insurance premium. All of these factors are assessed when you use our insurance calculator.

No-claim discount (NCD)

A no-claim discount is a discount that you will receive if the car insurance has never been claimed. The car is assessed to be at a lower risk of an incident. The NCD starts at 25% after one year and increases up to 55 % after 5 years of no claims.

Coverage Duration
1st year
2nd year
3rd year
4th year
5th year

Insurance add-ons

On top of the three insurance types mentioned earlier, add-on car insurances can also be subscribed to such as:

Windscreen insurance

Driver insurance

Audio system insurance

(Special Perils) (Natural disaster) insurance

Strike, riot, and civil commotion insurance

Legal liability for Passenger Act of Negligence

Different drivers will have different insurance needs. With a good insurance package, you can have peace of mind in case of any unexpected incidents.

Road Tax Calculator

Yearly Repayment

What is road tax?
Road tax is a tax paid by vehicle owners to use the public roads.

What is the road tax in Malaysia used for?
The road tax in Malaysia is used to fund transportation projects, mainly public transportation. It is not used to fund road maintenance costs.

Why is my road tax expensive?
The price of the road tax is dependent on several factors. The main reason for an expensive road tax is a large engine displacement. The road tax in Malaysia is calculated based on the engine displacement.

Are there other factors affecting the price of road tax in Malaysia?
Yes. Besides engine displacement, other factors that affect the price of road tax in Malaysia are:Vehicle registration location (East Malaysia/West Malaysia) Vehicle type (Sedan/ SUV/MPV/Pickup) Vehicle ownership type (private/company) Vehicle propulsion type (combustion engine/electric motor)

What happens to the road tax when I sell my car in Malaysia?
Upon changing of the ownership, the new owner will have to apply for a new insurance policy and a new road tax. You will not be able to transfer the road tax to a new car as it is specific to that vehicle and its registration number.

How to check when my road tax is expiring?
The expiry date of the road tax is written on the road tax sticker/tag. It should expire exactly one year after the date it was issued.

Is road tax included in a new car?
The OTR (On the road) price of a new car is inclusive of the road tax. However, insurance price is not listed and you will need to have an insurance policy before paying the road tax.

How can I check my road tax price in Malaysia?
You can check the road tax price of your current/future car using our road tax calculator. Alternatively, you could calculate the road tax yourself based on the rates listed by road transport department in Malaysia.

How can I pay my road tax?
Road tax payment can be done online via MyEG and the road tax sticker will be delivered to your door. Upon delivery, the recipient (yourself/ friends/family members) will be required to scan their thumb print. Alternatively you could go to a JPJ office.

When can I renew my road tax in Malaysia?
Road tax renewal can only be done 2 months prior to the road tax expiry date. The road tax can only be renewed on an annual basis.

Why can't I renew my road tax online?
There several reasons if you are unable to renew your road tax online. Unpaid summonses are one of them. You just need to pay the summonses first. Another reason could be that the car’s road tax has expired for more than 36 months. A PUSPAKOM inspection will be required to get the road tax renewed.

What is the Penalty for driving without road tax in Malaysia?
If you are caught driving around without a road tax, a summon will be issued. If the road tax has been recently expired, the enforcement officer might give some leeway.

Will the road tax price in Malaysia increase?
JPJ has no plans on increasing the road tax price in Malaysia for the time being.

What cars have low road tax price in Malaysia?
Cars with small engine displacements have the lowest road tax price in Malaysia with the lowest rate being RM20 for cars with engine displacements of 1,000 cc and below.

Road Tax Introduction

The road tax is a tax paid by vehicle owners to use public roads. The tax amount varies depending on the vehicle type, vehicle ...

specifications, vehicle registration location, type of ownership, and vehicle purpose. In Malaysia, the road tax is paid on an annual basis.Vehicles with a valid road tax are required to have them displayed. For cars and trucks, the road tax sticker is displayed on the bottom right corner of the windscreen. The vehicle registration number, road tax price, and road tax expiry date are clearly written on the road tax sticker.The road tax sticker is only meant for a one-time use. If removed or tampered with, the road tax sticker will tear apart, rendering it invalid.

Road Tax Calculation in Malaysia

In Malaysia, the road tax value is determined by several factors. Namely vehicle type, vehicle specifications, vehicle registration location, type of ownership, and vehicle purpose.

Road users in West Malaysia and East Malaysia are taxed at a different rate. The road tax in East Malaysia is lower due to the conditions of the road and its supporting infrastructures.

In both East and West Malaysia, the road tax increases as the engine displacement of the car increases. The road tax calculation is based on engine capacity.

This form of road tax calculation has encouraged manufacturers to sell cars with smaller displacement engines that are usually turbocharged or assisted by a hybrid system. Most cars in Malaysia have less than 2.0-litre engine displacement.

At minimum, the road tax for an engine-driven car is RM20 for cars with engine displacements of 1,000 cc and below. To calculate the road tax of a vehicle, the base rate and progressive rate will have to be combined.

The progressive rate increases as the engine displacement increases. Cars that exceed 3.0 litres in West Malaysia are taxed RM4/cc for every cubic centimetre that exceeds the 3,000-cc mark.

The type of vehicle ownership will also affect the road tax rate. A vehicle can be either private-owned or company-owned.

The road tax for electric vehicles follow a different method of calculation that is based on the maximum power output of the vehicle.

Road tax payment schedule

The time of payment for the road tax depends on the date of registration of the vehicle. A car that is registered on 17 December will have its road tax expired by 16 December in the following year. The road tax is usually renewed together with the vehicle’s insurance.

How to renew Road tax?

The road tax renewal can be cone online via MyEG. The road tax will need to be renewed together with the car’s insurance.

What happens if road tax is not paid?

Without a road tax, the vehicle is not legally allowed to be driven on public roads. If a vehicle’s road tax has not been renewed for more than 36 months, a PUSPAKOM inspection will be required to renew it later on.

Private Cars in West Malaysia Road Tax
Engine displacement (cc)
Base Rate Progressive rates (per cc)
Road Tax
1,000 cc and below
RM 20
RM 20
1,001 – 1,200
RM 55
RM 55
1,201 – 1,400
RM 70
RM 70
1,401 – 1,600
RM 90
RM 90
1,601 – 1,800
RM 200
RM 0.40
RM 200-280
1,801 – 2,000
RM 280
RM 0.50
RM 280-380
2,001 – 2,500
RM 380
RM 1.00
RM 381-880
2,501 – 3,000
RM 880
RM 2.50
RM 882–2,130
3,001 and above
RM 2,130
RM 4.00
RM 2,134 +

Company cars in West Malaysia road tax
Engine displacement (cc)
Base Rate Progressive rates (per cc)
Road Tax
1,000 cc and below
RM 20
RM 20
1,001 – 1,200
RM 85
RM 85
1,201 – 1,400
RM 100
RM 100
1,401 – 1,600
RM 120
RM 120
1,601 – 1,800
RM 300
RM 0.30
RM 400 - 500
1,801 – 2,000
RM 360
RM 0.40
RM 561 - 760
2,001 – 2,500
RM 440
RM 0.80
RM 763 - 2260
2,501 – 3,000
RM 840
RM 1.60
RM 2,267 – 6,010
3,001 and above
RM 1,640
RM 1.60
RM 6,023 +

Private and Company SUV/MPV/Pick-up in West Malaysia road tax
Engine displacement (cc)
Base Rate Progressive rates (per cc)
Road Tax
1,000 cc and below
RM 20
RM 20
1,001 – 1,200
RM 55
RM 55
1,201 – 1,400
RM 70
RM 70
1,401 – 1,600
RM 90
RM 90
1,601 – 1,800
RM 200
RM 0.40
RM 200 - 280
1,801 – 2,000
RM 280
RM 0.50
RM 280 - 380
2,001 – 2,500
RM 380
RM 1.00
RM 381 - 880
2,501 – 3,000
RM 880
RM 2.50
RM 882 – 2,130
3,001 and above
RM 2,130
RM 4.00
RM 2,134 +

Private cars in East Malaysia road tax
Engine displacement (cc)
Base Rate Progressive rates (per cc)
Road Tax
1,000 cc and below
RM 20
RM 20
1,001 – 1,200
RM 44
RM 44
1,201 – 1,400
RM 56
RM 56
1,401 – 1,600
RM 72
RM 72
1,601 – 1,800
RM 160
RM 0.32
RM 160 - 224
1,801 – 2,000
RM 224
RM 0.25
RM 224 - 274
2,001 – 2,500
RM 380
RM 0.50
RM 274 - 524
2,501 – 3,000
RM 880
RM 1.00
RM 525 – 1,024
3,001 and above
RM 2,130
RM 1.35
RM 1,025 +

Private and Company SUV/MPV/Pick-up in West Malaysia road tax
Engine displacement (cc)
Base Rate Progressive rates (per cc)
Road Tax
1,000 cc and below
RM 20
RM 20
1,001 – 1,200
RM 42.50
RM 42.50
1,201 – 1,400
RM 50
RM 50
1,401 – 1,600
RM 60
RM 60
1,601 – 1,800
RM 165
RM 0.17
RM 165 - 199
1,801 – 2,000
RM 199
RM 0.22
RM 199 - 243
2,001 – 2,500
RM 243
RM 0.44
RM 243 - 463
2,501 – 3,000
RM 463
RM 0.88
RM 464 – 903
3,001 and above
RM 903
RM 1.20
RM 904 +

Fuel Money Calculator In Malaysia

Yearly Fuel Payment

RM 0

Car Model
Honda City 1.5V Sensing
Fuel Consumption
5.2 L/100km
2000 KM/Year
Fuel Type
RON 95
Fuel Price (RM)
RM 2.05
Yearly Fuel Payment
RM 213.2
What is the fuel price in Malaysia today?
The latest fuel price in Malaysia today, you can click here to view: petrol price Malaysia

How do you calculate fuel cost?
First, divide the distance of the route by your miles per litre figure to discover how many litre of petrol you will need, then multiply the number of litre by the price of fuel. For example 60L/695KM*100=8.63L/100KM. If you know the price of fuel, then you can simply multiply the price per litre by the result and that gives you your cost per 100km.

How do I calculate fuel consumption per 100km?
To calculate fuel consumption per 100 km, divide the amount of fuel used in liters by the distance in kilometers and multiply the product by 100.

By Car Segment
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