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Jaecoo Logo

Jaecoo, a brand under the Chinese automaker Chery, made its debut in 2023. It was created specifically to promote SUVs in international markets such as Europe, Russia, Malaysia, the Middle East, and South Africa, with sales commencing in early 2024 across various regions. Find Jaecoo price, news, reviews, and upcoming models here.

New Jaecoo Car Models List in Malaysia

Jaecoo SUVJaecoo J8, Jaecoo J6

Jaecoo Price List

Jaecoo Cars List Price
Jaecoo J8 Price Upcoming
Jaecoo J6 Price Upcoming
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Car for sale
  • How much is a Jaecoo car in Malaysia?

    The cheapest Jaecoo car price is the null - and the highest price is the null -
  • How many models does Jaecoo have?

    Jaecoo has 2 models and 0 variants for you to choose from.
  • Does Jaecoo have an SUV model?

    Jaecoo SUV Cars: Jaecoo J7, Jaecoo J8, Jaecoo J6