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GAC Logo

GAC MOTOR Co, Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Guangzhou Automobile Group Co, Ltd. As a national high-tech enterprise established on July 21, 2008, GAC MOTOR is devoted to the production and sales of world-class vehicles, engines, auto parts and car accessories as well as R&D of automobile engineering technology. Since its establishment, GAC MOTOR has adopted a global vision and adhered to international standards, forming a world-class car manufacturing system with GAC global R&D network, world-class production mode, global supply chain system and GAC marketing approach as its core.

It has blazed a development path of “high-end focused, quality-first and innovation-driven” with its development speed and profit level being among the best for Chinese brands, so as to achieve the company ambition of “building a world-class brand and a global company”.

New GAC Car Models List in Malaysia

GAC SUVGAC GS3 Emzoom, GAC Emkoo, GAC Aion Y Plus

GAC Price List

GAC Cars List Price
GAC GS3 Emzoom Price
RM 118,900 - 128,900
GAC Aion Y Plus Price
RM 119,800 - 135,800
GAC Emkoo Price Upcoming
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Car for sale
  • How much is a GAC car in Malaysia?

    The cheapest GAC car price is the GAC GS3 Emzoom RM 118,900 and the highest price is the GAC Aion Y Plus RM 135,800
  • How many models does GAC have?

    GAC has 3 models and 4 variants for you to choose from.
  • Does GAC have an SUV model?

    GAC SUV Cars: GAC GS3 Emzoom, GAC Emkoo, GAC Aion Y Plus