1. If you car is experiencing loud noise and having vibration, suggest to stop the car and check the inner and outer of the tyre if there is any zig-zag pattern wear sign, any uneven hole on tyre surface, wear level of the rubber on opposite edge does it having uneven thickness. If the above scenario exists, it tells that the car tyre is having uneven wear.
2. If you confirmed your car has uneven tyre wear, it could be cause by damaged steering rod. A damaged steering rod will cause mis-alignment in steering direction which lead to uneven tyre wear, it could even cause the ball joint dislocate which resulting in the wheels fall off from the car undr severe condition.
3. The most common cause of uneven tyre wear is due to driving under the condition of insufficient tyre pressure. The tyre edge will be exerted with more frictional force due to the point of contact with the road become larger in a tyre with insufficient tyre pressure, causing more heavy wear on a particular side of the tyre.
4. Bad driving habit also can cause uneven tyre wear, such as the steering wheels is not re-centered after the car is parked. Turning the steering wheels on a stationery car will intensify uneven wear on the tyre.
5. If you notice you car having uneven tyre wear, suggest you to procced to workshop for diagnose as soon as possible.
Suggest to proceed to repair at workshop, usually the keypoints of diagnose are:
1. Check and adjust tyre pressure
2. Check tyre wear level and replace it if necessary
3.Check the car steering rack, replace them if found malfunctioned
4. Check the car knuckle, repalce them if found malfunctioned
5. Repairing done, proceed with alignment adjustment to ensure the tyre is in optimum driving angle on the car