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1% 100%
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0% 10%
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1 10
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CIMB2.85% p.a.
Affin Bank2.92% p.a.
AmBank3.05% p.a.
RHB3.18% p.a.
Hong Leong Bank3.24% p.a.
Maybank3.4% p.a.
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2019 Maserati Quattroporte GTS GranSport

Last week, we showed you ten expensive-looking cars under RM 100k and some of you think those selections don’t quite shout ‘appearing rich’. Indeed, the Proton X50 and X70 may feel expensive but they’re still a Proton (or Geely) underneath. For this week’s Top Rank Millionaire-Looking Motors (MLM), we’re bumping up the budget to RM 200,000 and unlike the last list, we’ll be focusing only in the used car market. We’ve selected 8 for this list and you can be certain these fine cars will make you g

Maserati Quattroporte Comparison

Maserati Quattroporte FAQs

Is Maserati Quattroporte available in Euro NCAP Rating?

No, Maserati Quattroporte isn't available in Euro NCAP Rating.

Does Maserati Quattroporte has Steering Adjustment Electric?

No, Maserati Quattroporte doesn't have Steering Adjustment Electric.

Is Maserati Quattroporte available in Sunshade?

No, Maserati Quattroporte isn't available in Sunshade.

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