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Owner Review: A Dad's take on a Soccer Mom's Car - 2013 Nissan Serena S-Hybrid

Owner Review · Jul 15, 2020 08:00 PM

** This article is the personal experience of a 2013 Nissan Serena S-Hybrid C26 owner and does not necessarily reflect the views of WapCar.

Facebook: EZ Wong


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About My Car

It's actually my CFO’s car & I will narrate it as my own :)

The Nissan Serena S-Hybrid was originally registered at the end of 2013 & we bought it at a very good price as a Nissan Pre-Reg unit in February 2015.

The C26 is powered by a MR20DD 2.0-liter engine with 147 PS and 210 Nm (figures are from the engine alone, excluding 54 Nm from the electric motor). This direct injection twin-CVTC unit is paired to Nissan’s Xtronic CVT gearbox with Adaptive Shift Control.

The S in S-Hybrid stands for “smart” and this Serena is actually a “micro-hybrid” of sorts. What Nissan did was beef up the ECO Motor, the Serena’s starter motor that controls Idling Stop and functions as an alternator during deceleration. The main 12V-64V-Ah battery drives the motor, while the sub battery powers electrical components like the radio, wipers, etc.

Selecting the right car for the CFO

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As all family man; the saying of - Happy Wife, Happy Life; I too followed that mantra. With 2 young kids & elderly parents living with us, we were looking for a people mover that not only suited for city runs, but monthly balik kampung highway drive. Back then MPVs were still relevant & the SUV craze had just started.

Before the Nissan Serena, the CFO was driving my Nissan Slyphy; while I got downgraded to her Kia Spectra 5 hatch. We made that switch as the Nissan Slyphy was a much better car in terms of reliability & cost of ownership in the long run; a piece of mind to me as she fetches the kids & elderly parents more.

So the criteria were set; budget of < RM 150k, practicality & able to fit 7 people comfortably with decent space for luggage at the back, low maintenance cost & external size matters for manoeuvrability. It took us 6 months+ in this journey of getting the “right” family mover.

Back then the usual “budget-friendly” family MPVs came into the picture: Nissan Grand Livina, Toyota Wish (recon) & Proton Exora - all failed the “practicality & able to fit 7 people comfortably with decent space for luggage at the back” criteria. We have even toyed the idea of a 7 seater SUV back then; Hyundai Santa Fe, Chevrolet Captiva, Nissan X-Trail, and SsyangYong Stavic, and also slightly upmarket MPVs: Nissan Serena C26 S-Hybrid, Mazda 5, Mazda Biante, and Mazda 8 (used) - all failed the budget criteria & some failed the external size criteria.

So it was back to the drawing board; we know we can't always have the cake and eat it without any compromises to the criteria. The final 2 cars were the Mazda Biante & the Nissan Serena. Budget & external size was an issue.

The size issue was an easy fix, using our Nissan Sylphy as a benchmark - both the Mazda Biante & the Nissan Serena is aesthetically just slightly longer & wider but with great packaging inside & taller only; check! So with that, we went out again & test drove both the Nissan Serena & Mazda Biante back to back. We finally settled for the Nissan Serena as it has better space & practicality in the last row, a hidden boot compartment, better throttle response in the CVT compared to the Mazda Biante’s auto box & how it rides - less floaty & bounce.

With the mindset on the Nissan Serena, we made calls to different dealerships asking the best value for the Kia Spectra 5 (to trade in) & discount to make the budget work. That time, the C26 CKD facelift was introduced at RM150k ++.

Finally, we found a Nissan dealer in Ara Damansara (through my colleague then) that checked all boxes & for RM120k; as it was the C26 CBU pre-facelift unit. We weighed the difference of the facelifted model vs the CBU Pre Reg unit; the savings of over RM30k made more sense:)

We considered it for 1 week & paid the deposit without seeing the actual Pre Reg unit that we are getting & the dealer threw in lots of extras for us; tinting, upgraded player & roof monitor, spoiler & leather seats.

2 weeks later we collected the Nissan Serena on a late workday evening, after a whole day of rain. CFO & myself went for the collection & swapped the Kia Sectra 5 that very night itself. We saw our new family car for the 1st time. The Pre Reg unit was to our expectation & cleared the new car collection checklist. There begins our journey of owning the Serena :)

CFO’s Owning Experience

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Driving it back for the 1st time from Ara Damansara back home, the Nissan Serena immediately felt like a significant upgrade from the Kia, but also called out as a step up from the Nissan Slyphy I still own, with the callout characteristics of a moving sofa/family cruiser which is super comfortable & spacious.

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Simple Interior design

A family MPV is never about stability in corners or high speed, but more of reliability & ferrying the family safely to the destination. It's really an economical & comfortable highway cruiser (I have done 900km+ on a full tank before on mostly highway drives) with adequate power to go up to Cameron or Genting Highland “with some effort”, due to the CVT gearbox & mild 2.0 engine.

The suspension is soft, but not too wooly that it understeers a lot in corners, and the engine is not underpowered as it can carry 7 adults comfortably on a highway cruise on super hot midday down to Singapore while having superb fuel economy. Despite its height, getting in and out of the Serena is easy (great ingress and egress; with handle support) for elderly parents and children alike.

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That trip to the park or picnic, just don’t worry, load it up! It fits 3x 27.5 MTB with front wheels off with ease & with space for other gears.

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Trips to IKEA, loading longer items while still able to fit the kids at the back is really commendable.

When my late Dad was still around, he was wheelchair-bound and the Serena proved to be a great vehicle for hospital runs (not that I wish everyone needs to) when it's required. I can secure him in the seats comfortably & park the wheelchair at the back. With the ample space in the back (after folding up the last row seats to the sides), I was also contemplating installing ramps & wheelchair locks just to secure him while he is being seated in the wheelchair.

Not everything about the Serena is dandy. It’s only equipped with just only 2 Airbags for front passengers, fortunately, there is stability control, no Isofix points & no spare tire; it's a far cry from the current generation Serena’s which has all the bells & whistles.

Reliability is very subjective; as we have yet to experience it broken down in the middle of the highway & left stranded but, I think there are mechanical parts in the Nissan Serena that are prone to premature wear & tear in my 5 years & 138k km ownership.

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One of the early complaints that I recall was the sliding doors omitting strange sounds & to a point, there was a failure in the sliding mechanism that was due to replace - under warranty. Almost 3 years in the ownership, we noticed that there were sounds coming from the engine compartment & true enough the aircon belt was due to be replaced & with them checking on the belt, they noticed a slight abnormality with the compressor mount, which we both got replaced under warranty.

Then there is the infamous CVT gearbox issue (why infamous - lots of Nissan Serena owners faced the issue); which we got different parts replaced on 2 separate occasions due to different issues exhibited (noisy gearbox & sudden loss of power); which was under warranty as well. The most recent was the AV unit malfunction, and we replaced it with an OEM Android unit for the kids.

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As it was CBU Hybrid, we trust Nissan Authorized Service Centre for all our servicing & never had issues with warranty claims. While the maintenance cost is relatively low; almost similar to the Nissan Slyphy, there is a need to replace 2 batteries when it's due in the Nissan Serena every 2 years almost. It's far cheaper from the other hybrid batteries in other hybrid cars. A point to note, if anyone is considering the Nissan Serena used, please check in on its maintenance record & what parts were replaced previously & Nissan’s extended warranty program is a must for that peace of mind.

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Total Score:                           3.6/5

Performance:                         2.5/5 (Err what’s that on a family MPV)

Features:                                  3/5

Space:                                      5/5

Ride Comfort:                          4/5

Fuel Economy:                         4/5

Price & running cost:            3.5/5

Reliability:                                3/5

Owner Review


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