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We love sports cars, but SUVs are the best

Jason · Jul 10, 2021 05:00 PM

We love sports cars, but SUVs are the best 01

SUVs, they seem to be everywhere when you're driving on the road. Those who don't own one, plan to buy one. Almost every carmaker has an offering for you in an SUV form, regardless of the segment size.

We love sports cars, but SUVs are the best 02

There are SUVs for the regular folk, there are SUVs for the well-heeled

What is it that makes SUVs so sought after? Are there any particular attributes that give it an edge over the traditional sedans, or wagons?

Also readSUVs aren't killing sports cars, enthusiasts are

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We love sports cars, but SUVs are the best 01

Well, from my musings (also because I have an SUV in my garage), here are some solid reasons why SUVs are so popular. If you know of more reasons, feel free to chime in.

They're just more practical in every way

We love sports cars, but SUVs are the best 01

So, it's easy to say SUVs are more practical than their sedan counterparts, but in what way? Where to begin? How about space? 

We love sports cars, but SUVs are the best 02

Compared to a traditional, three-box sedan, an SUV offers more headroom. Of course, this depends on the design of the sedan, but the C-pillar of a sedan usually flows down in such a way that headroom can be compromised. 

We love sports cars, but SUVs are the best 03

Honda City head and legroom test

Sure, some SUVs have C-pillars that compromise headroom (looking at you, BMW X6), but more often that not, a traditional SUV will have more headroom than an equivalent sedan.

We love sports cars, but SUVs are the best 04

Honda HR-V head and legroom test

Take the Honda HR-V and Honda City for example. Both are B-segment vehicles, but according to our WapCar tests, there's an extra one tennis ball worth of headroom in the HR-V. And we all know, tennis balls don't lie. 

We love sports cars, but SUVs are the best 05

Boot space is 519 litres, but loading aperture not as flexible

The other aspect of praticality is of course, boot space. On paper, the Honda City has 519 litres of boot space, while the HR-V has 437 litres. Sedan wins right?

We love sports cars, but SUVs are the best 06

Not quite, as my colleague Hans points out, "the HR-V's flat folding seats, low boot floor, wide and tall boot aperture means that you are able to load more inside it, despite the smaller theoretical numbers."

We love sports cars, but SUVs are the best 07

As the pictures suggest, it's just far easier to load, pack and arrange things in an SUV's boot. So yes, beyond just bare numbers, an SUV's packaging of the its boot space is more practical than the equivalent sedan.

Also read: Review: Honda HR-V, still worth your attention over the Proton X70?

You have a better view out

We love sports cars, but SUVs are the best 01

Many owners, or owners-to-be I have questioned, bring up visibility as one of the major points as to why they buy SUVs. It gives them a better view of the road, and consequently they feel safer and more secure. 

We love sports cars, but SUVs are the best 02

I have to admit, because of the added ride height, navigating traffic (especially Malaysian traffic) in an SUV is a far more soothing experience as a driver. You get a more expansive view of the traffic ahead of you, and that allows you to plan your manouvres early and smoothly.

Also read: Review: The Mazda CX-30 is a smaller (Yes), better value Mazda 3 but is it for you?

Your body will thank you

We love sports cars, but SUVs are the best 03

It's no exaggeration to say that this is one of the main draws of an SUV. The added ride height means it's easier to enter and exit the car. It might sound simplistic, but when you do this day in, day out, you'll notice the difference.

We love sports cars, but SUVs are the best 04

Chiefly, for the average-sized Malaysian, you don't have to contort or lower yourself to get in the car. The hip point is just at the right height. The same applies when you exit an SUV, stretch your legs out, you'll realise there's very little to no contortion.

We love sports cars, but SUVs are the best 05

Point is, you get in and out of an SUV in a very anatomically natural way. Believe you me, when your car is parked close to another car, you'll realise this benefit even more. 

We love sports cars, but SUVs are the best 06

Modern SUVs are also pretty close to sedans - if not as good - in comfort. Sure, SUVs are still heavier pound for pound, and consequently consume a bit more fuel, but it's a small price to pay for the benefits you gain.

Better at dealing with floods, less likely to kerb your car

We love sports cars, but SUVs are the best 07

In a Malaysian driving context, one always has to factor in flooding due to our unpredictable weather conditions. Truthfully, SUVs have a higher threshold before succumbing to flooding than a regular sedan, simply because they have more ground clearance.

We love sports cars, but SUVs are the best 08

Of course, don't take your SUV scuba diving, but you'd feel less nervous traversing a minor flood in one compared to a sedan (admit it). I know I get more worked up if I have to pass a flooded road in my Subaru BRZ than in my Honda HR-V.

We love sports cars, but SUVs are the best 09

Having the extra ride height also means that higher curbs that would usually trouble sedans while navigating city driving, does not really bother SUVs. Again, I'm not saying take it off-roading, it's just nice to know that it can deal better with these situations. 


We love sports cars, but SUVs are the best 10

It's easy to just make a sweeping statement that SUVs are the scourge of the automotive world. But, there's a reason why SUVs are the current flavour indeed, even for a driving enthusiast and sports car owner like myself. 

We love sports cars, but SUVs are the best 11

And because I daily-drive a sports car, I appreciate the comfort, ride height, and ease of use an SUV brings to the table. Well, maybe I am getting old. Or perhaps, SUVs are just a result of really good thinking. 

Either way, SUVs are here to stay. Why? Well, what do you think is paying for the development of your dream sports car? That's right, money from SUV sales. Yup, they're not going anywhere, anytime soon.

We love sports cars, but SUVs are the best 12


Road Test Editor

Jason's foremost passion is all things automotive, where he spent his formative working years as a Product Planner and Trainer. An Advanced Driving Instructor by training and an all-round enthusiast, Jason loves going into intricate details about driving dynamics. Will drive anything with 4 wheels and a steering.

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