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New 2019 Proton Saga: 10,000 bookings in first month of sales

Hans · Sep 4, 2019 11:54 AM

New 2019 Proton Saga: 10,000 bookings in first month of sales 01

Bookings for the new Proton Saga, which was launched on 6-August, has surpassed the 10,000 bookings milestone.

Of these, over 1,000 bookings came from Proton’s online booking platform, which allowed customers to book a unit for just RM 9.99. Proton further added that it is extending the closing date for online bookings to 17 September, on the back of strong demand.

New 2019 Proton Saga: 10,000 bookings in first month of sales 02

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“Judging from the bookings received, the 2019 Saga is extremely popular with our customers who are attracted to the revised styling, upgraded components and new touchscreen infotainment system it offers. We have also been impressed by the volume of online bookings received, which exceeds the number we received for the Proton X70, so we are extending the online booking period to give more buyers a chance to use the platform,” said CEO Dr Li Chunrong.

Of course, not all bookings will be translated into actual sales as it is normal for a portion of bookings to be cancelled either by the customer or due to the customer’s inability to secure a bank loan.

New 2019 Proton Saga: 10,000 bookings in first month of sales 01

The new Proton Saga is a midlife update for Proton’s entry-level A-segment sedan, which was first launched in 2016. More than just a typical facelift, the new Saga featured a new Hyundai-sourced 4-speed torque converter automatic transmission, which replaces the previous car’s unloved Punch-sourced CVT-type automatic transmission.

New 2019 Proton Saga: 10,000 bookings in first month of sales 02

Inside, the Saga aPremium AT variant gets a new 7-inch touch screen 4-speaker infotainment (but no “Hi Proton” voice command) that also comes with a reverse camera. Despite having just 4 speakers, the Saga infotainment’s sound reproduction quality is shockingly good. It’s something that you have to try it for yourself to believe.

Prices start from RM 32,800 to RM 39,800. All powered by the same 1.3-litre four-cylinder engine, paired to either a 5-speed manual or a 4-speed automatic.

New 2019 Proton Saga: 10,000 bookings in first month of sales 03

More about the new Saga here.


Head of Content

Over 15 years of experience in automotive, from product planning, to market research, to print and digital media. Garages a 6-cylinder manual RWD but buses to work.

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2022 Proton Saga 1.3 Standard MT


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