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Here are some cars that go fast in style and comfort like the 620 PS McLaren GT

Shaun Β· Nov 13, 2019 03:55 PM

McLaren GT front

Grand tourer or GT is a phrase to describe cars made for high speed cruising, combining performance and luxury. Traditionally, most GT cars are front-engined and are heavier, which blunts agility and nimbleness.

This is where the 2019 McLaren GT pulls an advantage over traditional GT cars. McLaren’s take on a GT car is to combine luxury, practicality and agility.

Priced at RM 908,000 (without tax and options), the McLaren GT is motivated by a 4.0-litre twin turbocharged V8 that makes 620 PS and 630 Nm of torque. Century sprint takes 3.2 seconds and goes all the way to a top speed of 326 km/h.

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McLaren GT interior

However, if you’re looking for something more traditional, there are more than a few choices when it comes to GT cars. 

Here are the handpicked selection should you need one to cross continents at missile-like speeds.

Aston Martin DBS Superleggera, from RM 1,205,000 (without tax and options)

Aston Martin DBS Superleggera front

Also a British marque like the McLaren, but they are known for making GT cars since forever and they have the unshakable image of James Bond.

The DBS Superleggera is powered by a 5.2-litre twin turbocharged engine generating 725 PS and 900 Nm of torque, sending power to an 8-speed ZF automatic transmission.

100 km/h is greeted from a standstill in 3.4 seconds and tops out at 340 km/h. Should be plenty fast for most people.

Aston Martin DBS Superleggera interior

Inside, there’s an almost squared steering wheel with leather everywhere. And at this level, the sky is the limit for personalisation.

Ferrari 812 Superfast, from RM 1,578,800 (without tax and options)

Ferrari 812 Superfast front

Funny how the English has an Italian name while the Italian has an English name. But anyway, where the DBS is turbocharged, the 812 has a naturally aspirated V12 that sings to nearly 9000 rpm.

The V12 symphony is orchestrated by a 6.5-litre unit that harmonizes 800 PS and 718 Nm of torque to a 7-speed dual clutch transmission. It hits the chorus of 100 km/h in 2.9 seconds and reaches its highest note at 340 km/h.

Ferrari 812 Superfast interior

Despite its relatively heavy weight compared to the McLaren, its agility is aided by the super fast steering ratio and rear-wheel steering.

And it’s a Ferrari, that alone might be enough to seal the deal for some.

Bentley Continental GT, from RM 1,900,000 (with tax, without options)

Bentley Continental GT front

Another British, but considering the Anglo-German relationship between Bentley and Volkswagen AG, this might be most Germanic Brit here.

Powered by a 12-cylinder engine in W12 formation, it gets blown by a pair of turbochargers and punches out 635 PS and 900 Nm of torque. Sprinting to 100 km/h from a complete stop takes 3.7 seconds and it’ll keep going to a top speed of 333 km/h.

Bentley Continental GT interior

The interior is a marriage of technology and luxury with the rotating display, abundant use of leather, wood and metallic bits. Like the other cars here, the level of customisation is almost endless.

Lexus LC 500, RM 1,242,000 (with tax)

Lexus LC 500 front

Though not quite as prestigious or exotic as the other brands mentioned here but it still feels every bit as special. Its beauty is pretty much undisputed because well, just look at it.

The Lexus is the least powerful here with its 5.0-litre V8 that makes 477 PS and 540 Nm of torque, which explains the slowest century sprint time of 4.4 seconds and a top speed of 270 km/h.

Lexus LC 500 interior

And the best part is, the LC 500 will probably last forever considering its parentage.

McLaren GT rear detail

The McLaren GT is presently the only mid-engined grand tourer and is ideal for those who want a supercar experience without the practicality drawback. 

That being said, my pick would be the Ferrari 812 Superfast because it's hard to deny the aural pleasure of a naturally aspirated V12.


Senior Writer

The quest for automotive knowledge began as soon as the earliest memories. Various sources information, even questionable ones, have been explored including video games, television, magazines, or even internet forums. Still stuck in that rabbit hole.

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