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BYD Seal X to be production version of Ocean-M Concept, RWD hot hatch with up to 421 PS

Shaun ยท May 16, 2024 05:14 PM

BYD Seal X to be production version of Ocean-M Concept, RWD hot hatch with up to 421 PS 01

BYD revealed the Ocean-M concept at the Beijing Autoshow in China, previewing a production model expected to launch in the third quarter of this year.

Filings with the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) indicates the hatchback be positioned alongside the Seal in the lineup. Currently referred to as the Seal X, CarNewsChina suggests that the 'X' in the name could be a placeholder as BYD finalises its branding.

BYD Seal X to be production version of Ocean-M Concept, RWD hot hatch with up to 421 PS 02

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Design wise, the Ocean-M features a prominent split bumper lip around the front air intakes and a power hump on the bonnet. It gets large side skirts that flow into the diffuser element at the rear and split wing on the roof.

Powertrain specifics are limited, but reports suggest the Ocean-M will be built on BYD's new e-Platform 4.0 and will feature the company's second-generation Blade battery that has a 25% higher energy density than the Blade 1.0.

BYD Seal X to be production version of Ocean-M Concept, RWD hot hatch with up to 421 PS 01

CarNewsChina report that the Ocean-M will come a single-motor rear-wheel drive version that delivers 218 PS of power, while a dual-motor variant will offer 421 PS.


Senior Writer

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