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2020 Honda Odyssey 25th Anniversary Edition: Pick It!

Gemma · Aug 13, 2019 01:30 PM

Sitting in the MPV segment, Honda Odyssey has always been the pronoun of elegance, fuel-efficiency and family-loved roomy interior. Today, 25 candles are lighted up on the birthday cake for Odyssey, and Honda launched a special minivan Odyssey with extra updates for the entire lineup.

2020 Honda Odyssey 25th Anniversary Edition: Pick It! 01

In the previous version of Odyssey, only Touring and Elite trims gains the 10-speed automatic transmission. As for the LX, EX, EX-L trims, the drivetrain only have a 9 as standard. Now all trims can enjoy number 10 on their gear shifters.

Do you think the 25th anniversary edition will be over like this? Of course not! Engineers have refinished the exterior details in chrome including the roof rack, body side moldings, and rear bumper protector. This new version is seriously pulling on our heartstrings with its Special 25th Anniversary badges. What’s more, the special 19-inch wheels are also available for owners to choose.

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2020 Honda Odyssey 25th Anniversary Edition: Pick It! 01

The 2020 Honda Odyssey entry-level LX interior starts at $30,690 (RM 129,000), while the 25th Anniversary Package costs $1,500 more. Honda also provides a 19-inch wheel selection, which will add $2,800 to the final price.

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