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All-new BMW M3 caught undisguised

Shaun · Oct 22, 2019 06:48 PM

BMW M3 2020 rear

Instagram photo by Imran A.

Here’s the upcoming BMW M3 codenamed G80. Don’t call it the G20 because BMW has stopped giving their M models the same codenames as their regular counterpart since the previous F generation (F80 vs F30).

From the sneaky shot, we can see the flared wheel fenders as per BMW’s tradition for M models. There’s also a carbon fiber-esque spoiler, body-coloured rear diffuser and the signature quad exhaust tips.

Though as Horatiu Boeriu from BMW Blog mentioned, this is most likely a pre-production model, seeing that the exhaust tips are smaller than usual and the diffuser is painted in body colour. He has also pointed out that it could be the Competition model since it has the aggressive looking spoiler.

BMW S58 engine

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The G80 M3 will almost certainly be powered by the new S58 engine found in the BMW X3 M and X4 M, which outputs 480 PS and 600 Nm of torque. In the Competition model, power is up at 510 PS. The transmission will be swapped from a 7-speed dual clutch transmission to an 8-speed torque converter unit.

It is also rumoured to have the option for all-wheel drive and wait for it… a manual gearbox. Manual lovers rejoice!


Senior Writer

The quest for automotive knowledge began as soon as the earliest memories. Various sources information, even questionable ones, have been explored including video games, television, magazines, or even internet forums. Still stuck in that rabbit hole.

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