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Price Exposure Of The 2020 Toyota Avalon TRD

Gemma · Aug 14, 2019 05:36 PM

Price Exposure Of The 2020 Toyota Avalon TRD  01

Toyota Racing Development (also known by its abbreviation TRD) is a part of Toyota's development of racing interests, and also responsible for improving street cars’ performance.

Recently, the 2020 Toyota Avalon TRD revealed its price. According to the report of Cars Direct, the Avalon will have a starting price of $43,255 (RM 182,000) in Toyota order guides, with an MSRP of $42,300 (RM 178,000) and destination charge of $955. And the new model will enter the global market in autumn this year.

From the appearance, the new Avalon has been equipped with a black grille with unique gloss, matching with large-scale import grille on both sides. The dynamic designs of the lamp group with Multilateral Modeling express the sporty and leisure-oriented character of the vehicle.

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Go to the side, the 19-inch matte-black-finished wheels greet the eyes, matching with the red-painted callipers, which gives the vehicle a full score in sports style. Oh, that's not all! The power enhance is visually felt from the lower chassis and the increased spring strength, and indeed is.

Price Exposure Of The 2020 Toyota Avalon TRD  01

The new Avalon TRD has the vigour and radiance of someone young. The interior is also full of zeal with red stitches in parts such as seats, pads, seat belts and so on. Large screen console, equipped with an electronic dashboard, spreading a sense of tech.

In terms of power, Avalon TRD still uses a 3.5L V6 engine with a maximum power of 221kW. Meanwhile, Toyota has improved its braking system, with a 12.9-inch front disc providing better braking feedback.

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