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Scheduled! The world debut For BMW M4 Coupe

Tasia · Sep 3, 2019 05:30 PM

The world debut for a limited-edition BMW M4 Coupe will be scheduled at the Nürburgring on September 13, 2019.

Scheduled! The world debut For BMW M4 Coupe 01

BMW M will be releasing a limited edition of the BMW M4 Coupe. The limited edition will gain three exclusive M colours - Laguna Seca Blue, Velvet Blue Metallic and Imola Red.

On top, the carbon-fibre reinforced plastic roof forms a strong contrast against the M colours, ease up the excessive luxury delivered by the glamorous treatment on the M body.

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Scheduled! The world debut For BMW M4 Coupe 01


The special M4s will ride on the forged, 20-inch M light alloy wheels, which features a star spoke design.

Conventionally, the BMW M4 special edition receives lettering “///M Heritage”,  displaying on the door sills, the interior trim strips and also front headrests.

Scheduled! The world debut For BMW M4 Coupe 02

The engine is a straight six-cylinder generating 450 hp. Only 750 units of the limited-edition BMW M4 Edition ///M Heritage will be arranged to hit the market and go on sale globally between November 2019 and April 2020.

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2024 BMW M4 Coupe Competition


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