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First batch of BMW iX3 almost sold out - Nearly 30 bookings within 2 days

Shaun · Oct 27, 2021 05:22 PM

First batch of BMW iX3 almost sold out - Nearly 30 bookings within 2 days 01

Within just 2 days since the order books for the BMW iX3 opened, BMW Malaysia revealed today in a virtual media roundtable that they have received almost 30 bookings for the fully-electric SUV.

First batch of BMW iX3 almost sold out - Nearly 30 bookings within 2 days 02

To recap, the BMW iX3 is priced at RM 335,800 for the Inspiring variant and RM 354,800 for the Impressive variant – both of which include the BMW Service & Repair Inclusive: 5-Year Extended Warranty and 6-Year Service Package, as well as the Power Package which comes with the BMW i Wallbox and BMW Standard Charging Cable.

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First batch of BMW iX3 almost sold out - Nearly 30 bookings within 2 days 01

The fully-imported (CBU from Shenyang, China) BMW iX3 is propelled by a rear-mounted electric motor that produces 286 PS/400 Nm. 0-100 km/h takes 6.8 seconds while top speed is capped at 180 km/h.

First batch of BMW iX3 almost sold out - Nearly 30 bookings within 2 days 02

The BMW iX3 features an 80-kWh lithium-ion battery that offers a WLTP range of up to 461 km. It supports DC fast charging at rates of up to 150 kW for 80% charge in 32 minutes, while AC charging at up to 11 kW is supported via a Type 2 connection for 100% in approximately 7.5 hours.

The battery pack has 10 individual modules that can be replaced individually, just like BMW plug-in hybrids (PHEV), so this would alleviate some of the concerns for long-term ownership cost on top of the 8-year/160,000 km warranty for the battery.

First batch of BMW iX3 almost sold out - Nearly 30 bookings within 2 days 03

In an effort to boost charging infrastructure, BMW Malaysia is working with GreenTech, Shell’s ReCharge program, and Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB).

Also read: BMW Malaysia: Exciting times for EV in the next 6 - 8 months but gov needs to speed up

First batch of BMW iX3 almost sold out - Nearly 30 bookings within 2 days 04

“We’ve been working with GreenTech Malaysia for the longest time, we will also be continuing our collaboration with Shell and they will be making announcements in that area, as well as Tenaga Nasional Berhad,” said Sashi Ambi, Head of Corporate Communications for BMW Group Malaysia.

“This is to give confidence to our customers of plug-in hybrids as well as battery-powered electric cars,” he added.

Also read: BMW Malaysia: Our dealers’ DC fast chargers will be open to all makes

First batch of BMW iX3 almost sold out - Nearly 30 bookings within 2 days 05

With regards to the Budget 2022 that is expected to be announced this Friday on 27-October, Sashi believes there will be certain elements for EVs in this particular budget. “I cannot confirm this, but the sentiments are strong so that’s something we can look forward to,” he said.

Also read: BMW iX3 pre-booking now opened in Malaysia, priced from RM 335,800


Senior Writer

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