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Great deals on dashcams, insurance, floor mats, and more at Setia Alam this weekend

Dinesh · Aug 28, 2023 05:51 PM

Great deals on dashcams, insurance, floor mats, and more at Setia Alam this weekend 01

You might have heard that the DRIVE Auto Fair 2023 is happening this 1-3 September 2023 weekend at the Setia City Convention Centre. If you haven’t, well consider that abnormality rectified now.

While the focus will undoubtedly be on some of the amazing promos and rebates for the cars on display; up to RM 10k in some cases, there’s more to the show than just things with 4 wheels on them.

Aside from cars, the DRIVE Auto Fair 2023 will be showcasing its auxiliary automotive partners such as dashcams and insurance, among others.

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And you know what these partners will be offering during the fair? That’s right, promos and rebates on their products.

If you’ve been looking to accessorise your car with some of these products or have been scouting around for a good insurance deal, you’ll definitely be interested in what they have to offer.


Enzo will be offering a standard 15 percent discount on all purchases of its:

  • Car Mats
  • Car Aroma Diffusers
  • Phone Holders

All Enzo Car Mats are custom made for a perfect fit and comprise only the finest quality materials that meet eco-friendly, safety and durability standards from Europe.

Great deals on dashcams, insurance, floor mats, and more at Setia Alam this weekend 01

As for the phone holders, Enzo’s Torras range offers 2 types of holders. The one that mounts to the air-conditioning vent is made with Crystal Diamond alloy material and has a strong 360-degree grip for firm support. On the other hand, the dashboard phone holder is constructed from POM and Polycarbonate material with an industrial grade suction cup for a full vacuum seal to the dashboard.

Great deals on dashcams, insurance, floor mats, and more at Setia Alam this weekend 02

Lastly, the Enzo Aromatherapy Car Diffuser is a waterless and wireless portable car aroma diffuser. The battery-operated device disperses essential oils into the air through a nebuliser to keep the cabin smelling fresh.

Great deals on dashcams, insurance, floor mats, and more at Setia Alam this weekend 03


If your car’s insurance premium is about to expire, you’ll love the savings from GOInsuran. They firmly believe helping you secure the finest coverage for your car at the most affordable rates. Start your savings journey with the promo code HIGOINSURAN for savings up to RM 200.

Great deals on dashcams, insurance, floor mats, and more at Setia Alam this weekend 04

Soundstream Malaysia

Great deals on dashcams, insurance, floor mats, and more at Setia Alam this weekend 05

If you’re looking to boost the tunes in your car, Soundstream has just the deal for you. Purchase any Soundstream Anzuo Ultra Android Player system during the fair and you’ll get the following free gifts and easy-payment methods:

  • Free full-range TR2.1 speakers
  • Free installation of the unit and the 360-degree camera
  • Free t-shirt
  • 2-year warranty
  • 0 percent instalment plans for selected banks


Great deals on dashcams, insurance, floor mats, and more at Setia Alam this weekend 06

One of the earliest names in the dashcam segment, 70mai isn’t going to miss out on tabling some great deals during the fair. Visitors that purchase any 70mai dashcams over the weekend will also receive a free memory card and a free car windscreen sunshade.

If you’re not in the market for a new dashcam, you can just share a post of the 70mai booth on your social media and tag some friends to win a free cup of coffee.


Great deals on dashcams, insurance, floor mats, and more at Setia Alam this weekend 07

DDPAI will be having an event exclusive discount for its latest dashcam, the N1 Dual Dashcam. Visitors to the fair will get to purchase it at just RM 239 and receive a free 64 GB SD card as well.

However, you'll also stand a chance to win the N1 Dual Dashcam and be the first in Malaysia to own it while eating some free ice-cream along the way.

All you have to do is follow these steps:

1. Head to the DDPAI booth and take a photo/video of the new N1 Dual Dashcam and post it on your Instagram story.

2. Upon completion of that step, show the Instagram story to the DDPAI staff and redeem your free ice-cream and a free scratch card.

If you’re lucky, the scratch card will get you store vouchers up to RM 20. However, if you’re really lucky, you might win one of the main prizes that’s either a DDPAI Mini 5, DDPAI Z50 and DDPAI Mini Pro.

GNet Dashcam

Great deals on dashcams, insurance, floor mats, and more at Setia Alam this weekend 08

If you’ve booked a car during the fair, GNet Dashcam is offering a 50 percent discount on any 2 models of its dashcams. Head on over to their booth to find out more about this amazing deal.

Remco Auto Parts

Great deals on dashcams, insurance, floor mats, and more at Setia Alam this weekend 09

One of Malaysia’s largest automotive parts suppliers with over 2.5 million items available on their online shop, Remco Auto Parts is looking to give more back to you with some special deals during the fair.

There’ll be a few lucky draw sessions daily for all 3 days of the fair, with the prize being a Remco silicone wiper set that’s worth RM 69.90.

If lady luck isn’t on your side, there’s also an on-ground promotion. All you have to do is like and share their Facebook page as well as tag 3 friends to enter the Main Lucky Draw.

Prizes for that are equally impressive, comprising cash vouchers with the main one being a whopping RM 1,000 voucher.


Great deals on dashcams, insurance, floor mats, and more at Setia Alam this weekend 10

Should you be enticed with one of the great deals for cars during the show, RHB is on hand to support you as your automotive financing partner. Among the great incentives the bank is offering includes:

  • Giving you full control on your financing payments, allowing you to save more on profit charges the more you pay each month
  • Affordable rates starting from 2.05 % p.a. flat rate equivalent, with up to a 9-year tenure
  • Should you get an electrified model, a complimentary 1-year ChargEV membership at any of their over 300 charging points nationwide

If you’re keen to learn more about this, drop by the RHB’s Booth located near the car display area.



“Better late than never.” Some despise it, others begrudgingly agree with it but he swears by it
 much to the chagrin of everyone around him. That unfortunately stems from all of his project cars not running most of the time, which in turn is testament to his questionable decision-making skills in life. A culmination of many wrongs fortunately making a right; much like his project cars on the rare occasions they run, he’s still trying to figure out if another project car is the way to go.

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