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Porsche's H1 2021 sales is up 31 percent, exceeds pre-Covid, Cayenne leading

Hans · Jul 21, 2021 11:32 AM

Porsche's H1 2021 sales is up 31 percent, exceeds pre-Covid, Cayenne leading 01


Porsche delivered 153,656 vehicles worldwide in the first 6 months of 2021, up 31 percent compared to 2020, a year which saw many disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Porsche's H1 2021 sales is up 31 percent, exceeds pre-Covid, Cayenne leading 02

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More importantly, Porsche’s numbers is 15 percent higher than the pre-pandemic H1 2019’s deliveries of 133,484 vehicles, a sign that economies around the world are rapidly recovering from the pandemic.

Porsche's H1 2021 sales is up 31 percent, exceeds pre-Covid, Cayenne leading 01

As usual, it is the more expensive Porsche Cayenne that is leading Porsche’s sales, with 44,050 vehicles delivered, up 12 percent from last year.

The Porsche Macan is at second place with 43,618 vehicles, up 27 percent.

Porsche's H1 2021 sales is up 31 percent, exceeds pre-Covid, Cayenne leading 02

The all-electric Porsche Taycan, which was launched last year, saw 19,822 vehicle deliveries, which puts it ahead of the Porsche Panamera (13,633 units, up 6 percent).

The iconic Porsche 911’s saw 20,611 vehicle deliveries, up 22 percent.

Porsche's H1 2021 sales is up 31 percent, exceeds pre-Covid, Cayenne leading 03

The lower range Porsche 718 Boxster and 718 Cayman saw a cumulative 11,922 units delivered to customers, up 33 percent.

Porsche's H1 2021 sales is up 31 percent, exceeds pre-Covid, Cayenne leading 04

Porsche's H1 2021 global sales (units)
Cayenne 44,050
Macan 43,618
911 20,611
Taycan 19,822
Panamera 13,633
718 11,922
Total 153,656

China remains as Porsche’s biggest and most important market, with 48,654 units sold there, contributing 32 percent of Porsche’s global sales. This is followed by USA, with 36,326 units, or 24 percent of the company’s total sales.


Head of Content

Over 15 years of experience in automotive, from product planning, to market research, to print and digital media. Garages a 6-cylinder manual RWD but buses to work.

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