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Second lucky winner of Honda’s Road to 900,000th unit wins a HR-V, will you be next?

Hans · Sep 17, 2019 03:00 PM

Second lucky winner of Honda’s Road to 900,000th unit wins a HR-V, will you be next? 01

Following last month's giveaway of a Honda Civic to the first of nine lucky winners of Honda Malaysia's Road to 900,000th Unit Milestone campaign, the second winner has just walked away with a Honda HR-V.

Mr. Lim Hong Ngee from Setapak said, “I am very excited that I will be the owner of a new HR-V, which is my second Honda SUV. I particularly like the sporty exterior design and spacious interior as well as the convenience that it provides for family travel. Overall, I am very happy and looking forward to driving my new Honda car,” said Mr. Lim Hong Ngee at the Road to 900,000th Unit Milestone Campaign Second Winner Announcement Ceremony at Sri Utama Auto Sdn. Bhd.

With two winners already announced, seven more Honda models are still up for grabs for lucky Malaysians to drive home. To register or for more information on the “Road to 900,000th Unit Milestone Campaign”, customers can log onto the campaign’s website or visit its official Facebook page

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The campaign's Grand Finale is scheduled on 28th and 29th September 2019, at the open car park of Bukit Jalil National Stadium.

Honda Malaysia Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Toichi Ishiyama said, “In July 2019, we launched the “Road to 900,000th Unit Milestone Campaign” with the tagline “Terima Kasih 900K”, to thank Malaysians for their unwavering support towards Honda Malaysia by giving away nine Honda models as a reward. I am pleased to note that the giveaway campaign is getting active participation from customers nationwide. We are also arranging a Grand Finale to celebrate the significant achievement with Malaysians as well as present the nine Honda cars to the lucky winners. On behalf of Honda Malaysia, I would like to invite all Malaysians to celebrate this meaningful occasion with us and join the activities at the Grand Finale, which are specially arranged for Malaysians, from kids to adults. At the event as well, we will be previewing the New Civic to the public.”

More than just a celebration, Honda Malaysia also prepares a variety of informative and fun activities which are specially arranged for Malaysians. The company will further extend the theme of “Frontier of Innovation” in the Grand Finale, in which, visitors can experience Honda’s Next Generation Advanced Technologies such as Sport Hybrid i-DCD X-ray Scanner as well as Sport Hybrid i-DCD and VTEC Turbocharged Game Tower.

In addition, Honda Malaysia is preparing various exciting games and activities that are suitable for families to enjoy, such as Giant Water Slide, Insta-Luminous displays, Pedal Cart, Racing Simulator and many more. On top of that, Malaysians who are interested in the Honda models can make a visit to the Grand Finale to test drive the cars too.


Head of Content

Over 15 years of experience in automotive, from product planning, to market research, to print and digital media. Garages a 6-cylinder manual RWD but buses to work.

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