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GR Parts and Modellista versions of the all-new 2021 Toyota Harrier leaked!

Eric · May 13, 2020 11:30 AM

GR Parts and Modellista versions of the all-new 2021 Toyota Harrier leaked! 01

Ahead of the all-new 2021 Toyota Harrier’s Japan debut next month, it looks like photos of kitted-up versions of the new SUV have leaked out, as reported by Japanese media outlets.

GR Parts and Modellista versions of the all-new 2021 Toyota Harrier leaked! 02

This is how the all-new Toyota Harrier looks like without any bodykit

GR Parts – As aggressive as the Harrier gets

GR Parts and Modellista versions of the all-new 2021 Toyota Harrier leaked! 01

New GR styling cue? The front grille isn't upright like other GR models

The first of the trio is the sporty, kitted-up GR version of the all-new Harrier.

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This styling package is called GR Parts, and the all-new Harrier receives aggressive looking black skirting all-round the SUV, as well as quad muffler tips. It also gets large vents at the sides of the front bumper.

GR Parts and Modellista versions of the all-new 2021 Toyota Harrier leaked! 01

Completing the GR version of the all-new Harrier are large dual-tone alloy wheels and a red pinstripe that connects the headlights to the tail lights.

Modellista – If the GR version is too sporty for you

GR Parts and Modellista versions of the all-new 2021 Toyota Harrier leaked! 02

Apart from the GR version, Toyota will also be offering two Modellista styling kits for the all-new Harrier – Gran Blaze Style and Avant Emotional Style.

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Not only does the Gran Blaze Style add a fair bit of chrome trim on the Harrier, parts like the side mirror and bonnet receive garnishing as well, adding to the overall looks of this particular package.

GR Parts and Modellista versions of the all-new 2021 Toyota Harrier leaked! 04

As for the Avant Emotional Style, we reckon that this is the most elegant-looking package of the trio – there’s no fancy garnish or aggressive bodykit. Unlike the other two styling packages, it appears that this styling package adds LED daytime running lights at the lower edge of the front skirt.

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Both Modellista versions share the same alloy wheel design.

To recap, the all-new 2021 Toyota Harrier is expected to be introduced in Japan next month, followed by North America and China. As for Malaysians, the all-new Harrier could be introduced here in 2021.



Started from the IT industry but somehow managed to find his way into the automotive industry. If he’s not gaming, he’s constantly tinkering with his daily/weekend car.

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