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Mercedes-Benz Malaysia Commemorates 15 Years Of Production At Pekan Plant

Jack Β· Aug 26, 2019 03:48 PM

Mercedes-Benz Malaysia Commemorates 15 Years Of Production At Pekan Plant 01

  • 100,000th vehicle has rolled out from the Pekan plant
  • First CKD left-hand drive C-Class to be exported to Philippines in August 2019
  • Pekan plant also upgraded with advanced technology and automated production facilities

Mercedes-Benz Malaysia has commemorated 15 years of production at its local production facility in Pekan, Pahang.

Further adding to the historic milestone is the roll-out of the 100,000th vehicle from the Pekan facility. Mercedes-Benz Malaysia has also started production of left-hand drive vehicles for the Philippines market.

Mercedes-Benz Malaysia Commemorates 15 Years Of Production At Pekan Plant 02

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President & CEO of Mercedes-Benz Malaysia, Dr. Claus Weidner said “As the leading premium brand, Mercedes-Benz is committed to continuously redefine the mobility landscape of Malaysia. We achieve the highest engineering standards in producing locally assembled vehicles, without compromising on the safety, technology, design or quality. Today marks the roll-out of our 100,000th locally assembled vehicle, testifying a growing trust and demand of Malaysian’s in Mercedes-Benz products”.

“In support of the country’s international trade industry within the SEA region, we will begin exports this year. The export of our best-selling limousine, the C-Class, to the Philippines allows us to extend our expertise and enhance Mercedes-Benz Malaysia’s brand image regionally,” he added.

Mercedes-Benz Malaysia Commemorates 15 Years Of Production At Pekan Plant 01

Mercedes-Benz Malaysia will commence first stage of export in August 2019, starting with the Mercedes-Benz C180.

The Philippines export initiative marks a new chapter for Mercedes-Benz Malaysia and signifies the start of similar initiatives within the Southeast Asian region.

Mercedes-Benz Malaysia Commemorates 15 Years Of Production At Pekan Plant 02

The production plant in Pekan has also been upgraded with advanced technology and automated production facilities, whereby each Mercedes-Benz vehicle is put through a four-stage control system executed at various points of the assembly line, to ensure that all vehicles assembled adheres to the stringent requirements set by Mercedes-Benz Cars.

“As we set to expand our production volumes, we have undertaken technological upgrades at our plant to enhance our ability to cater to a more robust production portfolio and contribute towards an increased market share of Mercedes-Benz vehicles locally and regionally,” Dr Claus added.

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