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Perodua Myvi Vs Proton Iriz – Cost Of Maintenance Compared

Jack · Aug 30, 2019 03:20 PM

Perodua Myvi Vs Proton Iriz – Cost Of Maintenance Compared 01

  • It costs RM 3,095.22 to maintain the Myvi over 5 years/100,000 km
  • Price does not include optional items
  • Proton Iriz is marginally cheaper to maintain

The Perodua Myvi is one of Malaysia’s best-selling models right now, as it offers great value for money, encompassing an extensive list of passive and active safety equipment at an affordable price point.

Priced from RM 54,090, the Perodua Myvi 1.5 AV is feature-packed to the brim, as the model includes a range of segment-first features, such as the Advanced Safety Assist (ASA) driver assistance system and LED headlights.

With that said, the cost of owning a vehicle is more than just the purchase price, as periodic maintenance is also crucial over the course of ownership.

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Perodua Myvi Vs Proton Iriz – Cost Of Maintenance Compared 01

Over the course of 5 years/100,000 km, owners of the Perodua Myvi are expected to pay RM 3,095.22 for maintenance.

However, similar with other car manufacturers, Perodua’s maintenance schedule only show the minimum required services, while recommended items are usually not shown.

What are recommended items you ask?

Perodua Myvi Vs Proton Iriz – Cost Of Maintenance Compared 02

Recommended items, or as Perodua calls it Pro Care, are items that are replaced based on usage, not mileage. As such, items such as brake pads are only replaced when they have worn down to the minimum level. Similarly, the air filter can be reused for a while before being replaced.

Interestingly enough, we’ve also noticed that Perodua lists spark plugs as a recommended item when the Myvi hits the 50,000 km mark, and a mandatory item at the 100,000 km mark.

Perodua Myvi Vs Proton Iriz – Cost Of Maintenance Compared 03

Perodua has also stated that the Pro Care maintenance schedule is preventive and recommended to maintain the cars at an optimum condition.

While on the topic of maintenance, the Perodua Myvi also requires 0W-20 fully-synthetic engine oil, while the Proton Iriz uses semi-synthetic engine oil.

Perodua Myvi Vs Proton Iriz – Cost Of Maintenance Compared 04

As for the Proton Iriz, owners are expected to pay RM 2,930.82 over the same 5-year/100,000 km period. However, Proton does not list out the recommended items such as brake pads in their maintenance schedule.

Apart from the scheduled maintenance costs, monthly repayments, and insurance, vehicle ownership also includes consumables such as fuel and tires.

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