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Selling your car soon? Here's how to ensure you get the highest price

Eric · Mar 30, 2021 10:08 AM

Selling your car soon? Here's how to ensure you get the highest price 01

After a couple years of using your car, the time will eventually come when you will need to sell it off. And when that time comes, how do you ensure that you can sell it off at a higher price?

Selling your car? Get the best offer here:

An oil change and servicing would be good

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First things first, when it comes to selling your old car, it’s crucial to fix it up. Start with giving the car a service, replacing all the necessary oils and fluids. Whether or not you want to service your car with fully-synthetic or mineral engine oil before selling it is completely up to you.

Selling your car soon? Here's how to ensure you get the highest price 01

At the same time, it is also recommended to replace stuff like burnt-out bulbs and wipers.

It is also recommended to check the condition of your car’s tyres. If the tyres’ tread has reached the Tread Wear Indicator (TWI), it’s highly recommended to replace the worn tyres. You can replace the worn tyres with used tyres, as long as the tread is well above the TWI. 

Bibendum icon on tyre points to tyre wear indicator

Speaking of replacing worn-out parts, having a full service record will also ensure that you can sell your car at a higher price than cars without a full service record.

Cleaning the car, both inside and out

Once the wear and tear parts have been sorted, it’s also a good idea to give your car a good cleaning – both inside and out.

Selling your car soon? Here's how to ensure you get the highest price 03

Over the years, unless you’ve been rigorously cleaning the interior every weekend, the interior of your car would have accumulated a fair bit of dirt.

Before parting ways with your old car, give the interior a good spruce up, removing dirt and food droppings from the seats and carpets. It is also a good time to wash the exterior of the car.

Selling your car soon? Here's how to ensure you get the highest price 04

If the damage looks like this, it's better to get a body/paint shop to fix 

Fix up the little dents 

Last but certainly not the least, it’s also recommended to fix up minor paint chips or dings that the car’s exterior would have accumulated over the years. This may seem like a minor detail, but used car dealers pay close attention to these and will offer a lower price if they spot damages.

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Started from the IT industry but somehow managed to find his way into the automotive industry. If he’s not gaming, he’s constantly tinkering with his daily/weekend car.

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