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Toyota Gazoo Racing to kick off Season 3 in September

Robert · Jul 29, 2019 04:17 PM

Toyota Gazoo Racing to kick off Season 3 in September 01

UMW Toyota Motor Sdn Bhd has announced that the Toyota Gazoo Racing (TGR) Festival will return for its third season this September.

As before, the Toyota Vios-only racing series will feature three categories - Promotional class for local celebrities, Sporting for amateur, and Super Sporting for professional racing drivers. By having all drivers competing in identical cars, the TGR series is a true measure of one’s driving talent. Teams/drivers are only allowed to alter the car’s tyres and suspension.

Street circuits will continue to feature on the race series’ calendar but some races will be held at the Sepang International Circuit.

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Toyota Gazoo Racing to kick off Season 3 in September 01

Celebrities who will be competing in the Promotional class are actor Shukri Yahaya, beat-boxer Shawn Lee, presenter Nabil Ahmad, singer Khai Bahar, singer Nabila Razali, singer Wany Hasrita, actress Janna Nick and defending champion actress Diana Danielle.

Season 3 also welcomes two newcomers, actress/presenter Ain Edruce, and actor Syafiq Kyle. UMW Toyota Motor’s Deputy Chairman Akio Takeyama will also be returning to compete in the series in his third straight season.

Drivers for the Sporting and Super Sporting has yet to be finalized.

Toyota Gazoo Racing to kick off Season 3 in September 02

The first race of Season 3 will take place in Kuala Terengganu on 6-7 September 2019. Subsequent races will be held on 9-10 November 2019 (Central region), 15-16 February 2020 (Southern region), 11-12 April 2020 (Central region) but the specific locations have yet be finalized.

Season 2 of the TGR Festival ended in April this year with the running of four rounds, eight races, attracting more than 80,000 race fans, 1.1 million online viewers. Diana Danielle won the Promotional Class while Tedco Racing’s Brendon Lim and ST Wangan Racing’s Boy Wong took the Sporting and Super Sporting Class championship respectively.

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