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Toyota opens new service centre in Pandamaran, Klang

Robert · Jul 30, 2019 11:10 AM

Toyota opens new service centre in Pandamaran, Klang 01

Toyota owners in Klang can look forward to one more conveniently located service centre to go to for their vehicle maintenance. Operated by PS Otomobil (Bukit Tinggi) Sdn. Bhd., the new 19-bay service centre is located at PT 7420 Jalan Kim Chuan, Pandamaran, 42000 Klang.

The facility is an extension of PS Otomobil’s showroom in Bukit Tinggi, which has been an authorized dealer for Toyota since 2015.

Toyota opens new service centre in Pandamaran, Klang 02

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Commending PS Otomobil on their commitment to provide Toyota customers with high quality aftersales services, UMW Toyota Motor’s President, Ravindran K. said, “PS Otomobil (Bukit Tinggi) Sdn Bhd has been our business partner since 2015 and has provided good services to customers. We are delighted to see that with the growth in their business, they have made the decision to upgrade their facilities to enhance their aftersales services. This has truly reflects the Toyota “Customer First” philosophy where priorities and value-added services are prepared for our customers’ convenience.”

PS Otomobile can be reached at please call 03-3323 9398 (Bukit Tinggi showroom) or 03-3385 2381 / 010-396 0468 (Pandamaran service centre).

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