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Watch: Rogue Myvi driving against traffic on Federal Highway

Jerrica · Aug 7, 2020 07:02 PM

Watch: Rogue Myvi driving against traffic on Federal Highway 01

Driving against traffic is becoming a rampant issue these days, and these days they are seen driving on busy roads as well.

Just last month we reported that a white car was caught driving on the wrong side of the road at from Icon City in Kelana Jaya to the Sunway toll. Luckily, the incident happened during the early hours of the morning so the usually busy road is deserted.

But in this video, a rogue Perodua Myvi is seen driving against traffic on Federal Highway and as you can see, the roads were not deserted this time!

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As you can see, the cars on the road had to make last-minute manoeuvres to avoid the Myvi, one car is seen almost hitting the lorry on the slow lane to avoid the oncoming car.

According to the uploader, the incident happened around midnight on 6th August. But unfortunately, the video is too blurry to tell more details of the car.

Pay extra attention when you’re driving along the roads, you never know when a rogue driver will decide to do crazy things. No news on what happened to the Myvi after the video end. 



There isn’t a time in memory that doesn’t involve staring at cars. After discovering the excitement of watching Schumacher vs Hakkinen, Formula 1 became a major part of life. The love for cars and F1 ultimately led to a job with CAR Magazine. The untimely death of the magazine meant a hiatus from cars at lifestyle women’s magazine Marie Claire before another opportunity came knocking again.

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