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Wearing a Cross-facia: 2020 Mitsubishi Pajero Sport Facelift

Gemma · Jul 28, 2019 04:00 PM

Mitsubishi Pajero Sport has been one of the representatives of hard-liner off-road vehicles, and time has come to its mid-cycle refresh. Recently, photos of 2020 Mitsubishi Pajero sports released showed an overall renew on the new car. 

Wearing a Cross-facia: 2020 Mitsubishi Pajero Sport Facelift 01

The profile of the fourth generation is as bulky as Mitsubishi's current Eclipse Cross models. With a new split lamp and Mitsubishi's dynamic shield design, the new SUV delivers a bold concept as a whole. The new car's air intake grille is painted in black, which adds up a sense of dynamic for the front face. The side shape of the body is relatively simple, yet embodies intense muscular contours.

Inside the cabin, more soft-touch materials are used throughout the interior trimming. Incorporating with an 8-inch digital dashboard and a new touch screen of the same size, the interior design of Pajero Sports is upscaling enough. Thanks to features like an AC power outlet, a hands-free power tailgate and smartphone controls over the SUV, the model is more competitive among its peers.

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Wearing a Cross-facia: 2020 Mitsubishi Pajero Sport Facelift 01

The Pajero Sport's safety features now includes  Lane Change Assist and Rear Cross Trafic Alert System. An off-road mode is also available on the 4WD variants. As for the power, the 2020 Pajero Sport's Edition uses a 2.4T turbocharged four-cylinder diesel engine with a maximum power of 178 hp (133 kW) and a peak torque of 430 Nm, matching with an eight-speed automatic transmission.

The new generation of Mitsubishi Pajero Sport is now available in the Thailand market, and the midsize SUV is being built at the factory in Laem Chabang.

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