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5 drivers' cars you can buy for under RM 80k

Jason · Jul 20, 2020 02:44 PM

5 drivers' cars you can buy for under RM 80k 01

Petrolheads sometimes have it tough. We have too many cars we want, but we have not the resources to attain all of them. Also, when given an option, we would always choose a used, fun car versus a brand-new, but more vanilla car.

5 drivers' cars you can buy for under RM 80k 02

So, for under RM 80,000, here are 5 cars that can bring a massive smile on your faces. I’ve tried to find cars that are diverse in character, drivetrain layout, and body types as much as I can.

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Bear in mind that you’ll have to stump up cash for cars that are 10 years or older, as financing will be difficult to obtain. With that said, here are the 5 cars.

1.) Toyota MR-S W30 (1999 – 2007)

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The Toyota MRS (Midship Runabout-Sports) is a lightweight, agile, rear-wheel drive roadster that has driving purity written all over it. What’s more, you can take the roof down when the mood strikes you and have al fresco motoring.

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It’s powered by the 1ZZ-FED, 1.8-litre engine (140 PS, 171Nm). The figures don’t sound much, but a kerb weight of 996 kg, the MR-S has a very good power-to-weight ratio, and smiles-per-miles tally.

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Used examples are hovering around the RM 60,000 – 70,000 mark. Prices won’t stay that way for long. Its predecessor, the MR2 W20, are exchanging hands for close to RM 80,000! For driving pleasure, there’s little to touch the MR-S. Plus, it’s a Toyota, which means ownership experience will be painless. Here’s a manual unit that I found.

2.) Toyota Altezza / Lexus IS SXE 10 (1998 – 2005)

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I know, I know, another Toyota. This one though, is one I myself have been looking at for some time. Blending a classic front-engine, rear-wheel drive layout, with the practicality of 4-doors, the Altezza was a proper sports sedan.

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It came in many engine flavours, from 4 to 6-cylinders. In my books though, the one to have is the RS200 version. It came with a Yamaha-tuned 3S-GE 4-cylinder engine (210 PS, 216 Nm), and a 6-speed manual gearbox (an automatic was optional). The Altezza’s chassis was tuned by none other than Hiromu Naruse, giving it fine driving dynamics.

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Prices range from RM 30,000 – 40,000, which I think is an absolute bargain. Of course, a car of this age will need some refurbishing here and there, but mechanically, these are wonderful cars to own and drive. If you need 4 doors, this is worth serious consideration.

3.) Ford Fiesta ST (6th Generation, 2013 – 2019)

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If you don’t need 4 doors, perhaps sir/madam would prefer a turbocharged, front-wheel drive hot hatch? Enter the Ford Fiesta ST, a little riot on wheels. For a car weighing less than 1.2 tonnes, the Fiesta ST had an output of 182 PS and 240 Nm from it’s 1.6-litre EcoBoost engine.

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That meant a MK6 Golf GTI-matching 0-100 km/h sprint time of 6.9 seconds. But the numbers are just one small part. The driving experience of the Fiesta ST is, in a word, explosive. It’s a ferocious pocket rocket, and it goads you to drive it hard all the time.

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We found an example going for RM 78,000, and there aren’t many used ones for sale. That probably tells you, that owners who bought them new, are still having a whale of a time.

4.) Suzuki Swift Sport ZC32S (2012 – 2017)

5 drivers' cars you can buy for under RM 80k 10

The Swift Sport is another personal favourite of mine. It may have a humbler power output on paper (136 PS, 160 Nm) from its M16A 1.6-litre power unit, but it is no less entertaining to drive than the Fiesta ST. It really is an effervescent, charming little hatchback.

5 drivers' cars you can buy for under RM 80k 11

Here is a car that will goad you to brake as late as possible, conserve cornering speeds and wring out every last drop of performance from its engine. All in a relatively practical 4-door body (boot space is non-existent though).

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A bit of trawling found us this bright-looking example, with a 6-speed manual transmission, asking for RM 62,000. This is a rare one, as there are many units listed with a CVT automatic option, but why would you do that?

5.)  Subaru Impreza WRX STI Version 8 (2002 – 2005)

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If you, like me, lived through the 90s and early 00s World Rally Championship (WRC) era, then the Subaru Impreza WRX STI would be something that probably adorned your bedroom walls.

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Legends like Petter Solberg and even Tommi Makinen both piloted this Impreza version 8 in the WRC. The recipe is very compelling, turbocharged 2.0-litre (280 PS, 394 Nm) or 2.5-litre (300 PS, 407 Nm) engines paired to a switchable all-wheel drive system, together with a 6-speed manual transmission. This was a proper 4-door rally-style rocketship.

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The version 8 STI, affectionately known as the ‘Blobeye’, can now be had for around RM 60,000 to 70,000 depending on the condition of the car. As far as attainability goes, owning a WRC-honed machine for the asking price seems like a fair deal. This is one unit I found, in glorious World Rally Blue finish.

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So, there you have it, 5 great drivers’ cars that you can buy for under RM 80,000. They’re all of various flavours, bringing driving pleasure in their own distinct manner. Therefore, whatever tickles your fancy, you can be sure your motoring journey is never dull whichever of the 5 you choose to have.





Road Test Editor

Jason's foremost passion is all things automotive, where he spent his formative working years as a Product Planner and Trainer. An Advanced Driving Instructor by training and an all-round enthusiast, Jason loves going into intricate details about driving dynamics. Will drive anything with 4 wheels and a steering.

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