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After the Chinese, Vietnamese BEVs are also coming - Registered Vinfast VF e34 spotted in Malaysia

Hans · May 17, 2024 11:17 AM

After the Chinese, Vietnamese BEVs are also coming - Registered Vinfast VF e34 spotted in Malaysia 01

Image credit: WhatsApp users

If you thought keeping up with the number of Chinese models launching in Malaysia is hard enough, here’s one more to add to your list, and it’s from Vietnam. A Malaysia-registered Vinfast VF e34 has been spotted on the road, according to one photo circulating on WhatsApp groups (original sender unknown).

It is common knowledge that Vinfast has plans to launch in Malaysia. Last month, one unit was spotted with temporary trade plates. It appears that the same car has now been registered, based on a photo circulating on WhatsApp group.

This implies that the VinFast VF e34 has cleared the necessary vehicle type approval (VTA) with JPJ – the first step before any new car can be registered in Malaysia.

After the Chinese, Vietnamese BEVs are also coming - Registered Vinfast VF e34 spotted in Malaysia 02

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The Vinfast VF e34 is a fully electric battery EV (BEV) about the size of a BYD Dolphin, but a lot taller. It measures 4,300 mm long, 1,768 mm wide, and 1,615 mm tall, with a 2,610 mm wheelbase.

The model is already launched in Indonesia with a 41.9 kWh lithium iron phosphate (LFP) battery, delivering up to 319 km of driving range (NEDC test cycle).

The front motor makes 150 PS and 242 Nm.

After the Chinese, Vietnamese BEVs are also coming - Registered Vinfast VF e34 spotted in Malaysia 01

Battery is sold separately

Vinfast operates on a slightly different business model from the Chinese. When you buy a Vinfast, the price of the car doesn’t include the battery.

Instead, you sign up for a monthly subscription (~RM 450 per month, in Indonesia). When the battery wears down to below 70% capacity, VinFast will swap a new one for you.

After the Chinese, Vietnamese BEVs are also coming - Registered Vinfast VF e34 spotted in Malaysia 02

By separating the cost of the battery from the one-time purchase price of the car, the VF e34 can be sold in Indonesia at IDR 315 million (~RM 94k). For reference, the BYD Dolphin in Indonesia starts at IDR 425 million (~125k), but that’s because Indonesia only sells the Extended Range variant of the Dolphin.

The Vinfast VF e34 is also covered by a 10-year warranty, transferrable to the next owner (if the car is sold within the 10-year period).


Head of Content

Over 15 years of experience in automotive, from product planning, to market research, to print and digital media. Garages a 6-cylinder manual RWD but buses to work.

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