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FL5 2023 Honda Civic Type R claims FWD Nürburgring record, clocks 7:44.881 minutes

Eric · Apr 20, 2023 10:32 AM

FL5 2023 Honda Civic Type R claims FWD Nürburgring record, clocks 7:44.881 minutes 01

Honda Motor Co. Ltd. has just announced that the FL5 2023 Honda Civic Type R has set a new front-wheel drive (FWD) record at the famed Nürburgring Nordschleife circuit in Germany.

The new hot hatch from Honda set a lap record of 7 minutes 44.881 seconds on a full lap of the Green Hell, beating out the previous record holder, the Renault Megane RS Trophy-R (7 minute 45.389 seconds).

FL5 2023 Honda Civic Type R claims FWD Nürburgring record, clocks 7:44.881 minutes 02

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For context, the previous FK8-generation Civic Type R set a lap record of 7:43.8, but that was back in 2017. Two years later in 2019, the rules were updated to as what constitutes as a full lap (20.832 km vs 20.662 km), which means all records set after 2019 will be higher.

FL5 2023 Honda Civic Type R claims FWD Nürburgring record, clocks 7:44.881 minutes 01

Part of the key technology that helped the FL5 Civic Type R claim the fastest FWD lap record at the Nürburgring is the Michelin Pilot Sport Cup 2 tyres, which is an upgrade over the standard Pilot Sport 4S tyres.

Power of the FL5 Civic Type R is also bumped up compared to the FK8-generation model, now coming in at 320 PS and 420 Nm, achieved through improvements done to the turbocharger. A 6-speed manual is still the only transmission option.

Also Read: There's now a 4-year waiting period for FL5 Honda Civic Type R in Japan, orders paused

FL5 2023 Honda Civic Type R claims FWD Nürburgring record, clocks 7:44.881 minutes 02

According to Hideki Kakinuma, Civic Type R Development Leader, “Six years after the lap record was set by the previous-generation Civic Type R (FK8), we reached this new dimension as a result of all of the passions we poured in and all the advancements we made for this Type R model. Finally, our wish to share this title with all Type R fans all around the world came true. 

We sincerely hope that all current and prospective owners of the Type R will enjoy and love their vehicle with the pride we share with you.”

Closer to home, Honda Malaysia is set to debut the FL5 2023 Honda Civic Type R later this year. Owing to an increase in price of the new-generation model and weaker Ringgit, the FL5 Civic Type R could be priced at the RM 350k price range, higher than the FK8 Civic Type R’s RM 320k price tag.

Also Read: Here's our closest look at the Honda Civic Type R FL5 that's Malaysia-bound this year



Started from the IT industry but somehow managed to find his way into the automotive industry. If he’s not gaming, he’s constantly tinkering with his daily/weekend car.

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