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Guy shows why the Toyota Avanza is a cheaper, more practical Toyota 86

Zamil Syaheer · Jun 15, 2020 04:07 PM

Guy shows why the Toyota Avanza is a cheaper, more practical Toyota 86 01

Wanna learn how to drift but can’t afford a Toyota 86? Why not get yourself the Toyota Avanza instead? Both are rear-wheel drive (RWD), powered by 4-cylinder naturally aspirated petrol engine, and are offered in both manual and automatic transmission.

The viral video above proved that not only the Avanza can drift gracefully, but it doesn't topple over too, contrary to what most people think.

Guy shows why the Toyota Avanza is a cheaper, more practical Toyota 86 02

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Granted the 86 is strictly a 2-door coupe, the Avanza comes with extra doors for the rear passengers, bigger boot space, and taller roof height -  which means you can carry more sets of tyres to burn, along with bringing few poor souls for an exhilarating ride.

Believe it or not, in Indonesia, many drivers use the Avanza in gymkhanas competition (known as Slalom there) with much success.

Guy shows why the Toyota Avanza is a cheaper, more practical Toyota 86 01

Daihatsu Xenia, siblings to the Avanza with a 4,000 cc V8 engine from the 1st-generation Lexus LS400 by Motomobi TV. Nyum.

Drivers loved the rear-wheel-drive layout and robustness of the chassis, even going as far as transplanting a more powerful engine altogether to make it even more competitive.

Zamil Syaheer


More than 10 years experience, specialising in Motorsports, Advanced Driving, Event Management & Creative Design. He enjoys driving (drifting, actually) anything RWD with a proper LSD over the limit. Versatility is his motto and mantra.

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