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Kia opens new 3S centre in Tampoi

Hans · Sep 9, 2019 04:19 PM

Kia opens new 3S centre in Tampoi 01

Naza Kia Malaysia has launched a new 3S outlet in Tampoi. Operated by Supreme Priority Sdn Bhd., the dealer is Kia’s sixth outlet in Johor, and its 45th nationwide.

Located along Jalan Tampoi in Tampoi New Village, the 3S Centre has a built-up area of 18,000 square feet with the capacity to display a total of 7 vehicles in the showroom while the two-service bay workshop is able to accommodate over 100 cars per month.

“With the new Kia Tampoi 3S Centre, we have altogether six Kia outlets in Johor and with that we are confident we will be able to cater to the needs and demands of our customers and future customers here. Johor has been a significant market for us as 90% of Korean car owners here own a Kia,” said Mr. R. Devaraju, Deputy Group Chief Executive Officer, Automotive Group, Naza Corporation Holdings.

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“There are more plans in the pipeline to further enhance our current reach of 45 Kia outlets nationwide,” added Devaraju.



Head of Content

Over 15 years of experience in automotive, from product planning, to market research, to print and digital media. Garages a 6-cylinder manual RWD but buses to work.

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